Truth turned to Arrogance

Yesterday was the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the day on which the Church commemorates the victory of Holy Icons over heresy and the truth of Orthodoxy. In every Orthodox Church throughout the globe, children, parents, grandparents, and friends proudly carry icons in processions around Churches. Some even go outside and publicly proclaim, “This is the faith…

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Either we believe or we don’t

Today is the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the day on which Church recalls a great victory of faith. Many of us today take for granted the beautiful icons that are in our Churches, but it was not always taken for granted. For some people, even today, icons are a form of idol worship and must be…

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The Truth of God in the World

The Sunday of Orthodoxy is celebrated each year on the first Sunday of Great Lent throughout the world. Children, parents, grandparents, and friends process around churches proudly proclaiming the truth of God. God became a human being so that we could be united to Him. That truth, verified through the presence of Holy Icons, is…

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Fasting and Miracles

Today, the first Saturday of Great Lent, the Church commemorates the Miracle of the Kolyva by Saint Theodore the Recruit. It is a historical event which remembers when Christians were the target of hatred. Knowing that Christians were fasting for the first week of Great Lent, the pagans sprinkled blood over all the fresh food…

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The Rhythm of Great Lent

One of the joys I have during Great Lent is experiencing the rhythm of the Church. This ancient life, which the overwhelming majority of Christians today consider only a historical footnote, includes morning and evenings prayers along with times of quiet solemnity and bright joy, all sprinkled throughout the week. If you haven’t noticed this…

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You Shouldn’t Choose Your Own Fast

When I speak with people about fasting in general, but especially about the Great Fast, I always discourage the concept of “giving something up for Lent” mainly because it has a self-orientation rather than heavenly. When you practice the give something up for Lent model, you are basically saying, “I will choose my own fast.…

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What is the purpose of the Church?

As we look back on our life in the Church, especially during Great Lent, we eventually land upon some acceptance of the purpose of the Church why do we gather each Sunday? Why do we offer programs for our youth? Why do we both to take the Church up on her offer for such a…

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Welcome to another Great Lent

Each year Be Transfigured Ministries offers a Daily Lenten Journey Blog to assist you in maintaining a holy focus during the struggle that is the Great Fast. This year, we invite you to do just a little bit more than you did last year during the Great Fast. It is not our goal to be…

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When Will Church be Enough?

We live in a 24-hour society built on the concept that staying busy, whether it be making money or perfecting a hobby, is the litmus test for a successful life. More and more adults delay retirement not because they can’t afford to retire, although that is true for many, but because they can’t stand the…

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