God will increase what we offer

When we reflect upon our daily spiritual challenges, one thing comes to mind, at least one thing comes to my mind. Is this enough? Am I saying enough prayers? Am I giving enough time? Am I loving enough? Am I am forgiving enough? Am I helping others enough? Am I learning enough? Alternatively, I might…

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God Knows our Potential

Sometimes we feel that we have reached our limit and can go not one step further, but with encouragement and trust, we can realize our full potential. We may think we have reached our plateau, but God knows our potential better than we know it ourselves. If are willing to put our faith in God’s…

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Progress Can Sometimes be Interrupted

In every walk of life there comes a time when we are making great progress. Our business is growing. Our relationships are filled with joy. Everything in our life seems to be heading in just the right direction, until suddenly the proverbial ratchet gets thrown into the works and everything comes to a standstill. If…

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Welcome to Be Transfigured Ministries

New Website Update – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU As I mentioned a few weeks ago, our current website was no longer compliant with the host servers. This caused our entire website design to become non-functional, although we have been able to post blogs, and you have been able to read posts. Navigating through…

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You Can’t Talk Your Way into Heaven

“Good teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?” “All these I have observed; what do I still lack?” These are the words used by a man who hoped to enter into paradise. There was only one problem. He words never entered his heart. Many people hear today’s Gospel lesson and immediately…

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What is our Cross?

When we hear in the Gospel, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me,” we must ask ourselves, what is our cross? We may get lazy in a world of comfort, or we may ignore the advice of the Church, or we may just be tempted…

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Don’t be Astonished

By now most people who read this blog have heard about Jesus Christ. You have heard about His teachings about love and forgiveness, and you have heard about the Church He established. You have heard how Jesus calls us to a different life, a life of repentance and divine grace. You have heard that no…

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There is no Salvation without Forgiveness

Let’s face it. We all have done or said something for which we need to be forgiven. What we do might be unique to our situation, but the truth that we all do and say things that we should not have said or done cannot be denied. Hopefully, our family and friends forgive our momentary…

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True Belief

In the story of the Jews wandering through the desert, (Numbers 21) we hear of a people who were healed only when they believed God’s promise enough to gaze at the copper serpent of Moses. Christ’s tells us that we must have the same belief in His Cross and His Church in order to be…

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