A Different Kind of King

As the Church celebrates the victorious entrance of Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, we are forced to rethink how we think of kings. Unlike the secular kings of the world, our King is a different King. Unlike the modern examples of kings and other political leaders, our King is a different King. Our King…

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The Need for Prayer

On Holy and Great Friday the Church commemorates the Passion of Christ, the day on which He was hung on the cross, died and was buried. It is a day filled with emotion, and rich in tradition. Churches are filled with men, women and children preparing themselves and the Church for the Feast of Pascha.…

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Betrayal and Communion

On Holy and Great Thursday, the Church commemorates the establishment of the Holy Eucharist by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the night before He was betrayed by Judas, Our Lord gathered His disciples together for a new sort of meal. It wasn’t just any meal, and it wasn’t just a standard Passover meal.…

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Selfish or Humble

On Holy and Great Wednesday, the Church offers us an option beautifully laid out in the hymns of the day. Will we be Judas or the woman who anointed Jesus? Life is a daily choice between following our own selfish desires, or humble repentance. The hymn below poetically expresses the dichotomy of this choice. While…

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Hypocrite or Addict?

I have had many conversations with people about attending Church services. One of the most common struggles we all seem to have is the hypocrisy that seems to be evident throughout the Church on Sunday morning ESPECIALLY during Holy Week. We all claim to know the sins of others, so when we see them in…

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Be Ready; Be Blessed

On the first day of Holy Week, the Church reminds us of the blessing promised by God when we spend time waiting for Him. “Behold the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night and blessed is the man whom He finds being vigilant.” Are you being vigilant? Churches during Holy Week are more filled…

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Our King

In ancient times, a king would ride his horse bravely lead his army into battle. Then, after defeating his enemy, the king would victoriously enter the capitol city to claim his new territory. The symbol of the king riding a horse both into battle and home to victory was recognizable to anyone who lived within…

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Because God Said So

All Christians recognize Christ as the Word of God. The Gospel of John begins with, “In the beginning was the Word,” speaking of the eternal existence of Christ, the Incarnate Word of God, and the we know the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God. As we heard just over forty days ago, God spoke…

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The End

Our Great Lenten Journey ends today with a view toward death. Great Lent has been our opportunity to die to the world through our Lenten disciplines. For forty days (longer actually) we have fasted with a strictness that is unique to Great Lent. Even if you just started today, fasting is a form of death.…

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Better Late than Never

Normally you receive our Daily Lenten Journey early in the morning, but the past couple days have been a bit hectic. We were not prepared to send our daily post this morning, but as they say better late then never! Here is today’s post, and it IS better late than never to start you Great…

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