Helping Others without Helping Ourselves

The modern American world can make it difficult to appreciate the lives of the ancient saints. As an example, modern medicine has extended life far beyond what could be expected for so many. What would have meant sure death for a newborn child, is time in the NICU of even the smallest hospitals in America,…

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We Need Better Music

When I was growing up in the 80’s, I heard a lot of arguments by adults in regard to the music my generation was playing on the record player, and eventually CD player. The lyrical themes were easy to dance to, and the popularity of groups such as Duran Duran, The Cars, and The Police…

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Saved from What Exactly?

Are you saved? This just might be the most common question among Protestant Christians, and my answer to it is another question? Saved from what exactly? I learned many years ago to not presume the questions others ask. Our future salvation rests in two people; God, and ourselves. Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to…

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A Godly Life

This past weekend was the annual March for Life in Washington, DC. Tens of thousands gathered to protest and pray; protest against legalized abortion and pray for those who have died and the mothers who killed them. News coverage varied based upon the political leanings of the reporter. Several Orthodox Christian Hierarchs attended, prayed and…

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Honor God with Your Life

As mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, “They were first called Christians in Antioch.” (Acts 11.26) Based on history, this was not always a term of endearment. What was a slander has become a name which bestows honor, at least we hope it does. We all hope to honor God with our lives and…

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Wounded Warriors for Christ

Wounded Warriors for Christ We know too well the expression ‘wounded warrior’ as we see throughout our society the horrible effects of war. Soldiers walk the streets not just with bandages, but with amputations and severe mental illness (PTSD). They are the heroes of our society because they remind us of the courage it takes…

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More Strictness

I wonder sometimes why our churches are not growing more in America. The world is without hope, and the Church offers hope in Christ. The world is without light, and the Church offers the light of Christ. One would think that thousands would be flocking into the Church for light and hope. Yet, our churches…

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Stand Up to Temptation

Living in the world is not an easy task for a Christian, on any day. Between the constant emphasis on self and wealth building, we must be on the lookout for temptation around every corner. Even within the Church, we can find those who are not acting within the scope of Christ’s desire for His…

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Guided by Saints

I often have conversations with people, both Orthodox and non Orthodox, about how to read the Holy Scriptures. Anyone who has ever had the slightest inkling to read the Bible knows there are innumerable options of reading programs. It seems like just about everyone has a “Bible in One Year” program with daily notes and…

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