2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 24

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Many do not know the original practice of Holy Confession was public in the Church. That meant that people would publicly admit to each other their sins. This was important because of our union in the Church. When we sin, we bring sin into the body of the Church. Of course, pretty quickly this practice…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 23

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Whether you open a bank account, subscribe to online software, or purchase a house, one thing is for sure. You will need to sign on the bottom line. Some do business with a handshake. Others have rooms full of legal experts drafting pages of agreements for official signatures. Our mutual dealings are signed for proof…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 22

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Growing up with loving but strict parents is a struggle that pays dividends in blessings. When we made mistakes as children, our parents corrected our behavior. The correction was normally in two parts if our parents loved us. First, we learned about our mistakes. Second, we received new expectations that considered our limitations. God does…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 21

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Half-way through Great and Holy Lent we are brought face-to-face with the Veneration of the Precious and Holy Cross of Christ. In the Gospel read on the Third Sunday of Lent, Jesus calls each of us to discipleship with the words, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 20

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Every Friday during Great Lent I make myself available for the sacrament of Holy Confession. It gives me a chance to pray while I wait, and to pray with those who offer their confession to God. One thing is consistent with everyone who comes for Holy Confession. Everyone is a sinner. With all the attention…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 19

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

This week’s Daily Lenten Journey was completely focused on the story of Noah, the Flood, the Ark and God’s plan for our salvation. Yesterday’s blog focused on how God NEVER forgets us. Today we hear what happens when Noah remembered God. And in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 18

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Winter storms last a couple days. Hurricanes a bit longer. Each leaves destruction in its path. Can you imagine a storm that lasts more than six months? Can you imagine being tossed around in a boat for months wondering if you would ever get out alive? Then suddenly everything is calm. In the six hundredth…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 17

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

Some days are easier than others when the storm approaches. Here in Florida we call the days leading up to the storm the “Cone of Uncertainty” and the closer the storm gets, the more accurate the plan must be. If the storm shifts, plans change. Those in the path of a storm are foolish to…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 16

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

The other day in the news I heard there was another nor’easter headed for New England. It was expected to dump lots of snow in the coming days. Springs storms can be very destructive because the snow is heavier than in the middle of winter. When the weather forecast tells you to stay inside to…

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2023 Daily Lenten Journey – Day 15

A golden abstract artwork of the Jesus

As we embark upon the third week of Great Lent, let’s glance back at what we have learned about God. He created everything that exists. We human beings have a special relationship with Him. Our ancestors fell from grace when they ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Since leaving the Garden,…

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