Is Repentance Even Possible?

The Church is always talking about repentance. We are called by Christ to “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3.2) But we have grown cynical about life. Around every corner we find people who claim to repent, only to be fooled. Is it even possible to repent? True repentance isn’t action.…

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Why Pray for the Dead?

The other day I was asked (it wasn’t the first time) why we offer memorials for the dead if they have ‘finished’ and reached the objective? I get a variety of questions about praying for the dead, so today’s reading from Saint Paul is a good opportunity to take another look. Brethren, what do people…

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Fork in the Road

Life is full of choices. Do we wake up or sleep in? Do we eat healthy or binge on junk food? Do we ‘give it our all’ at work or settle for ‘just enough’ to get by? With every choice we face our options include some sort of benefit. Good eating and hard work pay…

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Order Instead of Chaos

Some people believe Orthodox Christianity is too complicated. There are so many rules and regulations. Everything from what and when we can eat to how and when we should enter the Church. There are so many rules to ‘figure’ out that most stop trying or try to change the rules. Brethren, when you come together,…

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Edify the Church

In every aspect of our life, we have an established goal. Even when that goal is to retreat for some peace and quiet, we always have a purpose in our choices and actions. When we work, when we play, even when we socialize, we always have a purpose. So, what is your purpose when you…

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The Future

The Church is always reminding us that we do not have any guarantees for the future. We may not live to see tomorrow, let alone decades from now. We are taught as Christians to focus on today, so we are prepared for whenever God calls us home. But we can’t ignore the future. Brethren, love…

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Insatiable World

Throughout history the Church has been faced with extinction from the world. We are always under attack by those who either do not believe in God or believe differently about God than we do. We do our best to live peacefully among them, but alas, we are always under attack. Jesus was constantly asked what…

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Episode 432 – Being Agents of God’s Grace

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When thousands were gathered around Christ in the desert, the Disciples expected the Lord to send them away so they could feed themselves. Instead, Christ said, “They do not need to go away. You give them something,” and thousands were fed with just a few loaves of bread and two fish. Christ fed the crowds…

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Authority is for Good

As human beings we are consumed with power and authority. Our politics reflect it. Our personal relationships reflect it. Even our home life reflects the desire for power and authority. The problem is, we don’t use our power and authority for good. Brethren, let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is…

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