Excel in Love

We often wonder what genuine love is, how we show it, or how we feel it. We say it all the time. “I love you.” Just because we say it doesn’t mean it is genuine. Most of the time the love we express and the love we feel is not genuine, but worldly and shallow.…

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Proper Grief

We all experience grief. It may be a loved one’s death. We may grieve the loss of a job. Grief occurs when we lose something or someone dear to us. When we face the prospect of losing ourselves, our grief can be overwhelming. Brethren, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit,…

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Don’t Give Victory to Darkness

Candles lighting

Political debates. Race riots. Homeless camps. Rampant gangs. Drug overdoses. Out of control abortion clinics. These are just a few examples of the darkness of our world. Around every corner lurks darkness waiting to pounce and swallow up your joy and peace. At that time, the Pharisees took counsel against Jesus and said to one…

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Live for God

There is a great book that has made it way through the Church from the business world. In his book “Start with Why” Simon Sinek leads the reader to a higher business success by focusing on ‘the why’ of the business. The focus on ‘why’ is just as effective for our spiritual life. Brethren, Christ…

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Know Your Family

For many of us the very name we use is a testament to our family history. I was named after my grandfather and my son is named after my father. Our last names tell the world what family we belong to when we meet strangers. Everything we do, our family is a part of it,…

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Be Happy for Others

When those closest to us are successful we celebrate with them. Our love for them is poured out in banquets and honors. We tell our neighbors about the honor and success that our friends and family experience. We live through their success. We are happy for their joy. When those we do not know are…

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Don’t Bury Your Head in the Sand

It is a common response to stress. We avoid stressful situations. We hide from conflict in relationships. We even deny a problem when things aren’t heading in the right direction. We do this thinking things will change if only we can wait it out. We’re wrong. The Lord said to the Jews who had come…

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Whitewashed Souls

You already know how it feels. You spend the day working. It could be in the garden or in the fields at work. You know how it feels to ‘get dirty’ after a long day’s work. You also know the feeling of the dirty washing off and stepping out of the shower, clean and ready…

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Eternal Union

It is easy to talk about forgiveness when it doesn’t matter. Too often I hear, “Sure I forgive them. God will take get them. I don’t have to.” I’m sorry to tell you, this is not forgiveness. This is vengeance. The problem isn’t now. The problem comes later when we are eternally together. There are…

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Episode 433 –  Today is the Day!

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

Christ went to the Synagogue and read from Isaiah and said, “Today this is fulfilled in your hearing.” Christ speaks to us today, not just in the past. Every year on the Ecclesiastical New Year, we are reminded that Christ came to heal us, to cure us, and to save us. Let’s make this the…

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