Faithful to the End

Being faithful today is synonymous with being loyal. We are loyal to friends. We are loyal to family. We are loyal to our employers. If any of these groups betray us, our loyalty fades or even disappears. As Christians our loyalty is to Christ, who never betrays us. In those days, Peter said to the…

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No Such Thing as Self Authority

Throughout the ancient world, and still in some places today, some leaders declare themselves the authority. They go by all sorts of names. Kings and emperors are the ‘nice’ names. They are also knows as dictators. There is no such thing as ‘self-authority’ in the Church. At that time, as Jesus was teaching the people…

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Know Your Place

There is a place for everyone in the Church. That place is not just in the pews, but in the ministry of the Church. Nobody can do everything, but everybody must do something. If the ministry of Christ depended upon only the clergy, the Gospel would never spread. BRETHREN, grace was given to each of…

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Temptations Never End

We wake every day to the same reality. The sun shines. The winds blow. Temptation attacks. Like a natural force of weather, temptation blows, and we get ‘pushed around’ like branches in a tree. The key isn’t to avoid the wind, but to prepare the branches. In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee…

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Wanted Dead or Alive!

As you may know I was raised in the west, sometimes called the wild west, where legends of famous outlaws blanketed history. In every small town you could always find a sign to purchase to hassle your best friends. The saying was for outlaws, but Christ wants us alive, not dead. Brethren, all who have…

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God Was Seen Among His People

When people say ‘seeing is believing’ they are expressing more than just doubt. Something that can be seen is real and tangible. With our human perception and sensory system, we all eventually believe what can be ‘revealed’ to us. Well, God was revealed to His people. TIMOTHY, my son, those who serve well as deacons…

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Always Point to Christ

It is not easy in our society to escape attention. Either we ‘stand out’ because we are successful or because we do not act like the rest of those around us. In fact, most of us enjoy the attention, if even just for ‘our five minutes’ of fame. Like so many worldly realities, we should…

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The Blessings from Obedience

We talk a great deal about obedience in the Orthodox Church. For many this is misinterpreted to be about control instead of blessings. In a secular world committed to self-made empires, the idea of being obedient is the furthest thing in our minds, but the most blessed option. BRETHREN, one does not take the honor…

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