Archive for February 2025
Life over Death
In the past several years the battle over legalized abortion in our nation has been thrust to the ‘top’ of every political agenda. With the overturning of Roe V Wade, the question of when and if it is ok to kill an unborn child is once again ‘on the ballot’ of public opinion. Today is…
Read MoreSin and Betrayal is Born in Weakness
Nobody who calls himself a Christian, sins ‘on purpose’ but out of weakness. We are tempted constantly. It is when we let our guard down that sin comes. Just when we think everything is ‘ok’ and we can take a break, temptation returns, and we sin. BRETHREN, no one born of God commits sin; for…
Read MoreMore than One Antichrist
We are taught to love God more than anything else. We are taught to be in Church at least every Sunday. We are taught to pray to God at least every morning and evening. We are taught to put God first in our lives. Every time and everything we place before God is an antichrist.…
Read MoreEpisode 443 – A Real-Life Prodigal Son
When someone who has wasted everything and lost everything, or has strayed away from God, chooses to return in repentance, it is a blessing to witness. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is much more than just a story about repentance. It is also a story of the ‘one left behind’ and being too cold…
Read MoreA Day of Love
In the American cultural experience today is Valentine’s Day. Thought to be a celebration of a saint, if we’re honest, is just another secular holiday excuse to boost the economy of florists and candy manufacturers. It isn’t really about love. Brethren, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment which you had…
Read MoreAre You Watching for Christ?
Look both ways when you cross the street. Watch the sky for bad weather. If you live in the mountains, watch for falling rocks. We spend our time always watching out for something that can hurt us. Do we ever watch our surroundings for Christ? The Lord said to his disciples, “Heaven and earth will…
Read MoreGod Didn’t Return Last Night
Growing up, we are taught to live as if Christ is going to return at any moment. It could be tonight, is the lesson each year especially during Holy Week. Well….if you are reading this, He didn’t return last night, and He didn’t for your sake. Beloved, this is now the second letter that I…
Read MoreNobody is Safe from Temptation
As Christians we are told that God will protect us from evil. We grow up knowing that God is watching over us. So then, why do so many leave the Church and walk in sin? Temptation is the great equalizer. The stronger our faith, the stronger the temptation. The Lord said to his disciples, “When…
Read MoreSupplement Your Faith
Is it enough ‘just’ to believe? Why does the Church always ask me to ‘do more’? Why can’t it be enough that I believe in Jesus and was baptized? All the focus on attending church services, fasting, saying my prayers, reading the bible, and the sacraments. When is enough, enough? SIMON PETER, a servant and…
Read MoreThe Unchanging Changing Church
Our Divine worship is ancient. Our Scriptures are original. Our way of life was established by the Holy Apostles. As Orthodox Christians we like to tell everyone we are the ancient Church that never changes. That isn’t exactly true and today is a reminder of why. Today is the Feast of Saint Photios the Great.…
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