Bible Study on Romans Session 2

Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans;

A Bible Study Based upon the Homilies of St John Chrysostom (SJC)

Study Guide – September 4, 2018 – Romans 1.1-7 – Homily 1

Prayer before reading of the Holy Scriptures: Shine within our hearts, loving Master, the pure light of Your divine knowledge, and open the eyes of our minds that we may comprehend the message of Your Gospel. Instill in us also reverence for Your blessed commandments so that, having conquered sinful desires, we may pursue a spiritual life, thinking and doing all those things which are pleasing to You. For You, Christ our God, are the light of our souls and bodies, and to You we give glory, together with Your Father who is without beginning and Your all holy, good and life giving Spirit, always now and forever and to the ages of ages.

Chapter 1, Verse 1

  • Paul signs his name because he is not going to be present when the letter is read. On the contrary he did not sign the Letter to the Hebrews to voice their dislike of him. On the point of which prophet did or did not sign their names to their respective letters, SJC expects people not to be hand fed. “For I must not instruct you on every point, but you must carry on the search for yourselves. Otherwise you may become more sluggish and lazy.” (Pg 10, #4)
  • Servant- There are different types of servants. Paul is all of these
    • by creation
    • by faith
    • by conduct
    • by way of life
  • Of Jesus Christ – Christ means the “one who is anointed”. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is THE Christ since others were also called christs.
  • Called to be an Apostle
    • Paul did not seek the title. He was called, and obeyed the call.
    • By apostleship Paul is implying a greater responsibility in the ministry of the Church
    • That which Jesus Christ started on earth, the Apostles continued.
  • Set Apart – Paul was not chosen by lot, giving him greater credibility.
  • Gospel of God
    • It will be a blessing for the future. “For he did not come to proclaim any gloomy tidings, as the prophets had brought accusations, indictments, and reproaches. Paul came to proclaim the good news and the Gospel of God, countless treasures of blessings that could not be changed.” (Pg 12 #15)
    • The Gospel is not preached by words alone, but by deeds.

Chapter 1, Verse 2

  • He Promised before – The Gospel is ancient. Because some were claiming the Gospel was a new innovation, Paul shows that it is ancient. Older than the Greeks, and predicted years before by the prophets.
  • As the Holy Scriptures Record – Prophets wrote down what they had taught and included examples.

Chapter 1, Verse 3-4

  • According to the Flesh – Paul uses earthly logic to begin explaining who Jesus Christ is in an effort to lead the Romans to a higher place. “For if someone is going to take our hands and lead us to heaven, he must start at the bottom and go up. That was the way it was done in God’s plan of salvation. First, men saw Him as a man on earth, and then they perceived that He was God.” (Pg 13 # 22) This same pattern was used by the Apostles as found in Acts, and here.
  • How do we know who Jesus is?
    • from the prophets
    • from the manner of His miracle birth
    • from His miracles
    • from those who believed in Him
    • from His resurrection. He is and was the ONLY to resurrect Himself.

Chapter 1, Verse 5

  • Grace and Apostleship – Paul desired nothing to be of his own, but from God. “Their task was to go about and preach; to persuade their hearers was the work of God.” (Pg 15, #30)

Chapter 1, Verse 6

  • Obedience to the faith – Their job was to give back what they had received. The same is our role. “For the apostles were sent for this reason, namely, that they might repeat what they had heard and not add anything of their own, as that we, for our part, might believe.” (Pg 16, #32)

Chapter 1, Verse 7

  • All the Nations – This includes you and me! Paul emphasized true equality within the Church. “He says this to put down their pride, to empty them of their haughty thoughts, and to teach them that the honor in which they were held was no greater than that to which other nations were privileged. This is why Paul went on to say, ‘Among whom you are counted, and you too have been called to belong to Jesus Christ.’” (Pg 17, #37)

Moral Teaching – Humility of the Mind is the Mother of Blessedness (Pg 18, #41-45)

  • Holiness comes from love
  • Love gives us the gift of grace
  • Grace brings peace

Life Application – Show forth a life worthy of God’s Gift

  • Earthly honors are temporary“Let us keep guard over His peace and holiness. For other honors last but for a time and are gone with the end of this present life. They can be bought for a price. This is why some might say that they are honors in name only, that they have their strength and power in the wearing of fine clothes and in the fawning flattery of bodyguards. But the dignity that comes with God’s gift of holiness and adoptive sonship is not cut off by death. It makes us shine forth here on earth and makes the journey with us to the life to come.” (Pg 19, #46-47)
  • Spiritual success is all that matters“It is only spiritual success and a good conscience that provide tranquility and joy. We will not, as a rule, find these blessings in the great power of kings, nor in abundance of wealth, nor in the pomp of power, nor the strength of body, nor in extravagance of food, nor in the adornment of dress, nor in any other thing produced by man. The man who keeps his conscience clean – even if he wears rags for clothes and is constantly wrestling with hunger – is happier and more cheerful than those who live in the lap of luxury.” (Pg 19, #48-49)

Send-Off “If we wish to enjoy a pleasant life, before all else let us flee wickedness and pursue virtue. There is no other way to have a share of joy, even if we were to mount the very throne of a king” (Pg 19, #50)