Gift for the Future

For most Christians, at least for most Christians living in America, dwelling on the past is considered closed minded. We are taught to look to the future. Sayings such as “The youth are the future of the church,” draw our attention to the future but we cannot have a future without a past. Brethren, all…

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Hidden Blessing

We live in a society based heavily on rewards. When we excel at work, we get a raise or promotion. When we excel in sports, a trophy adorns our house. When we excel in the spiritual life, things are different. God knows our achievement but rewards us secretly. Brethren, “What no eye has seen, nor…

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There is a popular bumper sticker which uses symbols of different religions and cultures to spell the word ‘coexist’ that I see often on the road. On the one hand, the bumper sticker expresses the desire to be ‘left alone’ to ‘live and let live’ those around us. On the other hand, it is truth.…

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Division is the Devil’s Work

There is no doubt that our society has become extremely fragmented in recent years. This is nothing new in the life of the Church. That doesn’t mean we should be ‘ok’ with division. The only one who celebrates division is the devil. Anyone who creates division does the devil’s work. Brethren, I appeal to you…

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Episode 430 – Siding with God

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When we battle against God we cannot benefit from His power. When God healed the Gergesene Demoniacs, the crowed was angry with God. Instead of thanking God, they fought against Him. God has the power to protect us even from demons, but only if we stop fighting against Him. Transcript: My brothers and sisters, we…

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Passion Bearers

Two signboards of different colors

Throughout the world Christians are caught ‘in the crossfire’ of war. These Christian find themselves ‘on the wrong side’ of very powerful nations and movements. In many cases these same Christians are killed ‘just because’ they are Christians. They are called Passion Bearers. Today is the commemoration of Saints Boris and Gleb the Passion Bearers.…

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How Much do You Love

As Americans we are independent thinkers and actors. We choose our own destiny. We make our own rules. We ignore what others think about our choices and beliefs. What if I told you this was not a Christian manner of thinking? What if I told you being independent was wrong? If we believe that our…

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Being Christ Centered

In a society that encourages education beyond the basics, it can be difficult to see past learning for the sake of our soul. We walk around with ‘a bunch of letters after our name’ to show just how brilliant we were in school. All the while, we forget that life isn’t about us. It is…

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Time to Come Back

There is a concept in American Christianity referred to as ‘Christian Nomadism’. A nomad is one who moves from place to place, never ‘putting down roots’ for long. For Christians, this takes the form of ‘church hopping’ never being satisfied with one particular church. It’s time for a change. Brethren, I am speaking to you…

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To Convert or Not to Convert

Are you searching for a Church to attend? Maybe you have come across this blog searching about Orthodox Christianity. Maybe you are already Orthodox but reading this blog because you have a friend who is searching. Maybe you are considering becoming Orthodox. Maybe not. Brethren, do you not know what the scripture says of Elijah,…

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