Posts by Be Transfigured Ministries
Sacrifice as Response
When we hear the word sacrifice, most think of involuntary death. Thanks to Hollywood we have no understanding of what it means to make a sacrifice to God. Let me just remind you. Sacrifice has nothing to do with convincing God to ‘do’ something. Brethren, if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God…
Read MoreNo Guarantees
Our consumer society has a way of convincing us to purchase products we don’t even desire. Retailers and manufacturers proudly assert a money back guarantee if we are not satisfied. All we need to do is change our mind. Salvation does not come with a money back guarantee. The Lord said, “Not every one who…
Read MoreWorks Seal Your Faith
So many non-Orthodox accuse the Church of depending upon works to get into heaven. Our life of fasting and worship ‘regulations’ are interpreted as works. Interestingly, feeding the poor is never accused against the Church. The truth is, neither feeding the poor nor fasting with a thousand prostrations are used by the Church as ‘works’…
Read MoreHelping Hands
One of the greatest gifts a Christian receives is the opportunity to help another person. It might be financial help or just lending a helping hand when things get difficult. God is always ‘there’ when we need Him, so it is only natural that we offer the same love to others. At that time, Jesus…
Read MoreEpisode 429 – Sheep Follow the Shepherd
Last week the Church commemorated the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. Christ promised the Holy Spirit would guide the Holy Apostles into all the truth. Christ appointed the Apostles to shepherd the Church to heaven. The Apostles ordained Bishops and throughout history, the Bishops of the Church have served as shepherd leading…
Read MoreChristian Hypocrisy
There are many sayings that mock hypocrisy. One of my favorites, “Do as I say, not as I do,” expresses the sad truth that we are all susceptible to becoming hypocrites of the Law. As Christians we say one thing, and often do the other. At least we’re not alone. Brethren, when Gentiles who have…
Read MoreBeware of Judgment
As Christians we know we are not supposed to judge others. We quote to each other all the time. “Judge not, lest you be judged,” (Matthew 7.1) but judgment does much deeper. When we judge others, not only will we be judged, we are already judging ourselves. Brethren, since the ungodly did not see fit…
Read MoreThe Cost of Freedom
As Americans we often hear mention of the cost of freedom. We honor the memory and service of soldiers who have suffered and died for our freedom. Many soldiers have paid the ultimate price for our freedom, but there is a higher cost to our freedom many ignore. Brethren, the wrath of God is revealed…
Read MoreFaith is not the Opposite of Reason
Have you ever been challenged by someone about what you believe? Have you ever heard the words, “Oh yeah? Prove it!” when it comes to your Christian beliefs? Have you ever been at a loss for words in the face of these and similar charges? Have you wondered if faith is real? Paul, a servant…
Read MorePatience Saves
Our world moves quickly. Deals are made in ‘fast time’ using communication technology ‘at the speed of light’ without consideration of consequences. Our fast-paced life might work in the secular business world, but fast-paced spirituality can lead to shipwreck. IN THOSE DAYS, when it was decided that we should sail for Italy, they delivered Paul…
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