Posts by Be Transfigured Ministries
It’s About Becoming Perfect
In the Gospel of Mark we hear of a father who brought his son to Jesus for healing because the Apostles were unable to heal him. He called to Jesus, “’If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible…
Read MoreNot Perfect but Patient
Four weeks of Great Lent have come and gone and you’re still here. You haven’t given up yet, but you’re close. Fasting and extra prayers are taking a toll on your endurance. Being flooded with temptation is testing your patience. You may even be thinking of giving up the fight. BRETHREN, we feel sure of…
Read MoreFollow God for another Promise
I keep referring to Great Lent as a journey. Every journey needs a destination. Traditionally we think of the destination of our Great Lenten Journey as Pascha. Our fasting leads to feasting. Our prayer leads to the Altar of God. Sometimes our idea of a destination isn’t a destination at all. Sometimes it is just…
Read MoreHumanity is always Rushing Things
It started in the very beginning. Adam and Eve wanted to rush being like God. The result was the Fall of Humanity, and death. It wasn’t that God didn’t want humanity to be like God. He did. It was that humanity wasn’t ready to be like God yet. That is always our story. We rush…
Read MoreThe Power of Pride
Our daily struggle during Great Lent is much more than fasting. Great Lent is a struggle against pride. We all have it. We all struggle to subdue it, or at least we should. We all fall to its power through temptation and ego. It is what holds us back. The sons of Noah who went…
Read MoreGod Destroys Evil
We should admit the battle between good and evil is sometimes difficult to decipher. We stand up against evil to the best of our ability with the hope the God is there to help us. We are tempted to become violent against evil using the Scriptures as our defense. The Old Testament is filled with…
Read MoreEvil is not worth the gain
Just look around and you will find those who choose not to live according to God’s desire. People are greedy, hungry for power, oppressive to others, even violent. It seems like ‘they’ are the ones who are rewarded with comfort and advancement in the world but their gains are short-lived. He who is steadfast in…
Read MoreEpisode 422 – The Cross Leads to Life
During Great Lent we are not simply following rules. We are learning to deny ourselves. We are learning to take up our Cross. We are learning how to follow Christ. If we spend life focusing on ourselves, we will never take up the struggle of our cross. The Church focuses on the Cross so that…
Read MoreThe Cross: A Sign of Victory Rather than Defeat
High above our Church stands a cross for all passersby to see. The cross, a long-time symbol of our Christian Faith, is held high in honor of the victory that Christ accomplishes in our lives every day. “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”…
Read MoreHalf-Way Evaluation
Today is the half-way point of Great Lent. You now realize the days go by quickly when you’re focusing on Christ. You also realize that Pascha will be here ‘before you know it,’ and you still have work to do. It’s time for evaluation. Let’s review what the Church has asked us to focus on…
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