Giving Everything

You’re walking down the city sidewalk, and a homeless man begs for help. You reach into your pocket and grab the spare change and toss it in his hat. You feel good about yourself for not ignoring the man and go about your day satisfied. You never miss the loose change that was in your…

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Obedience Requires Love

Yesterday I said we needed to serve God with free will and love, not out of duty. Today I want to discuss obedience as a fruit of love. There is a difference between duty and obedience. Many people do not see the difference. How can we be obedient and still use free will? Peter, an…

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Free Will is Greater than Duty

When I was young my family had a dog which we all loved. What I didn’t love was waking up early to take him for a walk. One day my father asked me if I wanted to take the dog for a walk. My answer was a lesson I will never forget. I said no,…

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Fruit Doesn’t Lie

Nobody has ever walked up to an orange tree and picked a fresh ripe apple. Nobody has ever found zucchini growing on a tomato plant. In fact, you would think I was crazy or pulling your leg if I claimed it was possible. Everyone knows that a tree can only produce fruit of its own…

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Know Your Limitations

We learn it as little children. We boast about our ability way beyond the truth. It may be cute to watch little children pretend to lift an entire sofa. It isn’t so cute when adults think they can ‘handle’ more than they really can handle, especially when sin and temptation are involved. Today the Church…

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Automatic Christianity

I just don’t get it. Why is it I meet so many people that think ‘just because’ they were baptized that means they are Christians and will be saved. It is as if baptism is some sort of magic pill that guarantees entrance to heaven. Others think, “I believe in Jesus. That’s enough.” Then there…

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Created for Good Works

One of my least favorite sayings is, “God has a plan for you.” It makes it sound as if we have no free will in the relationship. It makes it sound like we have ‘only one thing’ to accomplish in this life. It is true that God has a plan for us, but the plan…

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God Does Not Tempt

Temptation Ahead sign

Like takes its twists and turns. We sometimes find ourselves where we do not belong. Deep down we don’t want to be in dark places, but alas it happens. Struggle happens. We suffer at the hands of our enemies, many times caused by our own choices. Trying hard to deflect the blame we think we…

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The Church and State

As Americans we live by the standard of separation of church and state. This uniquely American ideal has its benefits for sure. Historically, though, the Orthodox Church has not been free of civil interventions, and today is only the most recent example. Today the Church commemorates Saint Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople. His life…

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Salt Accents the Truth

I have always loved to cook. Since I was a small child, I would make my way to the kitchen to learn what ingredients worked and what ingredients did not work. I was always confused why people added salt to cakes and cookies. They never tasted ‘salty’ but I knew the salt was in there.…

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