Light Over Darkness

A sunrise

Growing up in Colorado I used to go camping in the mountains. On many occasions we found ourselves sleeping under the stars. There are not so many examples of God’s beauty than the night sky when you are away from the city lights. It is most special during the New Moon when the only light…

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Pride Cannot Save the Church

I encounter it quite a bit in discussions with keyboard warriors. Mostly new converts and even some who are not yet Orthodox think because they read a couple books or ‘that one’ blog post, they are the ‘last standing true Orthodox’ in the world. Everyone around them, especially those with canonical authority are ‘sell outs’…

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Chained Down by Sin

The Devil made me do it. I couldn’t help myself. You have no idea how strong the temptation was that made me sin. These are all common excuses for sin. We have all used them because we have all been weak. We have all sinned, but there is a better way. About that time, Herod…

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Blessed by Slander

It is unavoidable. Wherever you turn, you will meet people who just speak against you. This can be defeating for sure. Nobody wants to be slandered by others, but as Christians it just cannot be avoided. If they slandered Jesus Christ, they will slander us. At that time, Jesus stood on a level place, with…

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A Role for Everyone

We live in a very competitive society. At work, our abilities are constantly being compared to our coworkers. In the neighborhood the state of our landscaping is seen as compared to the houses around us. Even at home our lives tend to be competitive between siblings. At least in the Church it would be nice…

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Accept Suffering

It goes against our nature, it seems, to accept the reality that we are called to suffer. From an early age we fight against our parents when they use the unwanted ‘no’ in response to our requests. Even as adults we have tantrums when we do not get our way, at work and among our…

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Baptism Changes You

Baptism was a commanded by Christ and has been a staple in the life of every Christian from the beginning. Many Christians think baptism is an outward expression of love and faith in God. Many Christians think baptism is nothing more than a physical requirement to avoid hell. Many forget that baptism isn’t just a…

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Advanced Notice from God

A statue of an angel blowing a trumpet

For centuries God has sent out notice of His plans. Long before His Incarnation, God sent angels and prophets to announce that He was coming, culminating with the message of John the Baptist. Once He began His ministry, Christ sent out Apostles to spread the Good News that He had finally come. What’s next? Today…

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Test God

If you chose to make a New Year Resolution, you may already be asking yourself if it was worth the change. Temptation is greatest when we try to change our lives to follow God, and this year will be no different. If you are wondering if God will fulfill His promise to help you and…

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