Episode 411 – Desire to be with God

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When God invites you, He wants you to attend by choice. He won’t force us to attend Church. His desire is that we want to be with Him in Church and in Heaven. Attending Church is not about checking off a box of obligation. We can ‘find time’ for anything we desire. God invites us…

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Protectors of Truth

We live in a multi-cultural and secular world. In practical terms, that means we are surrounded by people who do not believe nor live as we live. In spiritual terms, it means there are many who work tirelessly to teach us to distrust and leave the Church. Some even work against the Church from within…

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Here today, Gone Tomorrow

I recall many years ago, shortly before graduating from high school, sitting in a park with my best friend. After striking up a conversation with us, a stranger broke the bad news to us. “You probably will never see each other after graduation.” We were angry and sad, and determined to prove the stranger wrong.…

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Stand in front of God

You may not know that I have two ruptured discs in my back and a ‘bit’ of arthritis in my knee. I know how difficult it can be to stand for services in the Church. I know how difficult it can be to concentrate on the words of Liturgy when you’re in pain. Nonetheless, the…

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Conception Should be Celebrated

For generations our society has been preoccupied with sex. People want access to sex without strings attached, sex that is without guilt, sex that is freeing. For many it doesn’t matter where the sex comes from, so long as it feels good. Everything is acceptable, until someone gets pregnant. Even in marriage, sex has become…

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Incorruption in a Corrupt World

We hear about death and destruction every day. Wars rage around the globe. People are sleeping and starving on the streets of America. Drug and alcohol abuse ran rampant through every demographic of society. Air and water pollution make it more and more difficult for people to thrive. Everywhere you look, there is evidence that…

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Guard and Protect Your Soul

We spend a great deal of time making sure our investments and financial security are protected. We have locks on our doors and passwords on our devices. We will stop at almost nothing to protect our money. We do the same for our families and friends. It seems the only thing we do not protect…

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Secular Christmas

Anyone who knows me knows I love Christmas music. I am not the one complaining if it plays ‘too early’ on the radio. In fact, with the benefit of modern music streaming services, I find myself listening to Christmas music not just at Christmas. I also enjoy Christmas decorations and Christmas sweaters, even the ‘ugly’…

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Desire Peace

The older I get, two things tend to solidify in my heart. I am more convinced than ever that the ancient stories of Christian martyrdom are true. I also believe that people will stop at nothing to attain their heart’s desire. What I have not been able to figure out yet is just why things…

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