God Knows You

Three words that can either terrify you or comfort you. When we are told “God knows you” we often turn our minds to guilt and sin. While we may indeed be guilty of sin, there is something much better in these three words. God has known us since creation, and He is waiting for us.…

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There is One Path

As human beings we are determined to make our own way in life. We leave our home as young adults to forge a path free from the expectations and limits of our parents. We attach ourselves to others along the way but only if they share our goals. Our path is our path. Theirs is…

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Be a Person of Mercy

You’ve heard it before. What you give is what you get. Nothing is more true when it comes to the effort you ‘give’ to your spiritual life. The more you give to God, the more God gives to you, and I’m not talking about money today. Brethren, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,…

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Giving for the Future

I have never met a single person who refused to give. We all give for different reasons. Some give to witness the blessings of others. Some give to get back. What I don’t often witness is someone who gives knowing they will never see the result of their gift. They give for the future. At…

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God is in Control

We hear it from friends. We read it on social media. “God is in control!” I must admit that every time I see this it almost always means, “Sit back and let God take care of it.” For others it means God will punish those who attack us or intervene for us. What does God…

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Don’t Ignore the Angels

Today is the Feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the rest of the Angels in heaven. There are countless angels serving God and interacting with us on His behalf. There are nine orders of angels in heaven. That includes a special guardian angel for each one of us. The orders of angels…

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Why Do Christians Suffer?

Have you ever asked yourself why Christians must suffer? Why does God expect us to lose everything ‘just’ for Him? If God loved us as He claims, why not allow us to be honored and comforted now? What if I told you Christians don’t suffer? Would you want to be Christian? Brethren, rejoice in the…

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How do we heal?

Like many of you, I didn’t get much sleep last night. Ever since I was a little boy, I have been excited on Election Night, almost as much as Christmas. The past few elections have caused me to think. So many friends stand on opposite sides! How do we heal from this division? The past…

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Be Blameless When Society Is Wicked

Sometimes we like to think is was ‘easier’ to be a Christian in the past. We read the stories about Church growth and mass baptisms. We then think of today. We can’t imagine the same stories taking place today. It is so much harder to be Christian today than ‘back then.’ Brethren, as you have…

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