Insatiable World

Throughout history the Church has been faced with extinction from the world. We are always under attack by those who either do not believe in God or believe differently about God than we do. We do our best to live peacefully among them, but alas, we are always under attack. Jesus was constantly asked what…

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Episode 432 – Being Agents of God’s Grace

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When thousands were gathered around Christ in the desert, the Disciples expected the Lord to send them away so they could feed themselves. Instead, Christ said, “They do not need to go away. You give them something,” and thousands were fed with just a few loaves of bread and two fish. Christ fed the crowds…

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Authority is for Good

As human beings we are consumed with power and authority. Our politics reflect it. Our personal relationships reflect it. Even our home life reflects the desire for power and authority. The problem is, we don’t use our power and authority for good. Brethren, let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is…

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Blind Egos

A blind young man wandering alone

Nobody wants to admit it, but everyone struggles with it. Our ego challenges our faith every day. On the one hand we desire to be like God. On the other hand, our ego helps us forget we are not God. When we assert ourselves to know better than the Church, we can blame our ego.…

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Common Life

In every Divine Liturgy we proclaim our common life in Christ when we pray, “Let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.” We do not commend our unison lives to Christ. We commend our life, singular, to Christ. That should mean something. Brethren, let any one who thinks…

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Don’t Allow Yourself to be Tripped Up

I was once taught the first step to any sin is to believe I would always be able to ‘say no’ to temptation. Instead of counting on my willpower, I was taught to do whatever I could to set up protections against temptation. That way I would increase my chances of avoiding sin. Brethren, God…

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Sign of the Times

With modern technology it is just about impossible to not know where you are located. GPS in our phones and even our watches leave us with a false sense of security that we can never be lost. If you’re like me, you have found yourself in that one place with no signal and no location.…

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Never Good Enough

Here is one saying nobody ever wants to hear, but always needs to hear. You can never be good enough to ‘get in’ to heaven. You are never good enough isn’t a judgment. It is an honest expression of the truth. Even the saints knew it about themselves. We need to know it too. Brethren,…

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The Work Goes On

Part of every person’s personal mission is to accomplish something in life. Whether it be some rare scientific discovery or merely being known for great art, all human beings are driven by accomplishment. The problem is, we are so focused on our accomplishments that we forget God’s work. In those days, the apostles returned to…

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Remain or Repent; Which is it?

It has become popular to use the expression, “God made me who I am,” as an excuse toward all sorts of behaviors the Church teaches against. “God doesn’t make mistakes,” is another excuse. I say excuse, because we never want to remain how we are if we don’t like who we are. Brethren, in whatever…

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