Bible Study on 1st Corinthians Session 45

Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians

A Bible Study Based upon the Homilies of St John Chrysostom (SJC)

Study Guide – June 18, 2024 – 1st Corinthians 16.10-23  Session 45 – Homily 44

Prayer before reading of the Holy Scriptures: Shine within our hearts, loving Master, the pure light of Your divine knowledge, and open the eyes of our minds that we may comprehend the message of Your Gospel. Instill in us also reverence for Your blessed commandments so that, having conquered sinful desires, we may pursue a spiritual life, thinking and doing all those things which are pleasing to You. For You, Christ our God, are the light of our souls and bodies, and to You we give glory, together with Your Father who is without beginning and Your all holy, good and life giving Spirit, always now and forever and to the ages of ages.


Section [1]

  1. Some people must have been upset with Saint Paul and he was worried they might ‘take it out’ on Timothy SJC But lest from boldness towards the disciple they should proceed also to the teacher, and become worse, he checks them from afar off, saying, that he may be with you without fear; that is, that none of those desperate persons rise up against him.
  2. Saint Paul was worried that Timothy wouldn’t be respected – SJC Seeing then that he was both young, and had been singly entrusted with the improvement of so numerous a people, both of which things tended to bring him into contempt, he adds, as we might expect, “Let no one therefore despise him.”
  3. Timothy was expected to give a full report to Saint Paul – SJC This also was the language of one that would alarm them. That is, in order that they might become more considerate, as knowing that all would be told him whatever Timothy’s treatment might be, he adds therefore, for I expect him.
  4. Timothy and Apollos were to be equally respected – SJC For lest he should seem to have held Timothy in higher honor than him and to have exalted him more, and on this account not to have sent him, and cause their envy to burst out more abundantly.

Section [2]

  1. Saint Paul is reprimanding them for their laziness – SJC Now in saying these things, he seems indeed to advise; but he is reprimanding them as indolent. Wherefore he says, Watch, as though they slept; Stand, as though they were rocking to and fro: Quit you like men, as though they were playing the coward: Let all that you do be done in love, as though they were in dissensions.
  2. The entire letter (1st Corinthians) is because they lacked love – SJC But what means, All things in love? Whether any one rebuke, says he, or rule or be ruled, or learn or teach, let all be in love: since in fact all the things which have been mentioned arose from neglect of it. For if this had not been neglected, they would not have been puffed up, they would not have said, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos. If this had existed, they would not have gone to law before heathens, or rather they would not have gone to law at all. If this had existed, that notorious person would not have taken his father’s wife: they would not have despised the weak brethren; there would have been no factions among them; they would not have been vain-glorious about their gifts.

Section [3]

  1. First fruits refers to best fruits – SJC For so the first-fruits ought to be better than the rest of those things whereof they are the first-fruits: a kind of praise which Paul has attributed to these also by this expression: namely, that they not only had a genuine faith, as I was saying, but also they exhibited great piety, and the climax of virtue, and liberality in almsgiving.
  2. The House of Stephanas was totally dedicated to doing God’s work – SJC For he did not say, they minister, but, have set themselves: this kind of life they have chosen altogether, this is their business in which they are always busy.
  3. Stephanas, Fortunatos, and Achaius were disliked because they were the ones who informed Saint Paul of the problems in the first place (see 1st Corinthians 1.11) – SJC Thus, since it was natural for them to be greatly irritated against these persons, for it was they who had come and showed him all about the division, inasmuch as by them also they had written the questions about the virgins, and about the married persons.

Section [4]

  1. Holy kiss refers to Divine Liturgy and the Eucharist – SJC Having then knit them together by his exhortation, he naturally bids them use the holy kiss also as a means of union: for this unites, and produces one body. This is holy, when free from deceit and hypocrisy.
  2. Saint Paul cuts off communication with those who do not love the Lord – SJC If any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema. By this one word he strikes fear into all: those who made their members the members of an harlot; those who put stumbling blocks in the way of their brethren by the things offered in sacrifice unto idols; those who named themselves after men; those who refuse to believe the resurrection.
  3. Saint Paul makes one final theological reminder of the whole economy of God, from the Incarnation to the Resurrection and Ascension – SJC But what is the meaning of  Maran atha? Our Lord has come. For what reason then does he use this phrase in particular? To confirm the doctrine of the Economy: out of which class of topics more than any other he has put together those arguments which are the seeds of the Resurrection.
  4. Saint Paul closes with a gentle reminder that the entire letter was an act of love – SJC Thus to hinder them from thinking that in flattery to them he so ended, he says, In Christ Jesus. It having nothing in it human or carnal, but being of a sort of spiritual nature. Wherefore it is thoroughly genuine. For indeed the expression was that of one who loves deeply.

LIFE APPLICATION: Work Hard for Your Reward from God

Section [5]

  1. Every relationship built on love corrects and is corrected – SJC For so ought he that corrects to do: since he at least, who acts merely from anger is but satisfying his own feeling; but he who after correcting the sinner renders also the offices of love, shows that those words also, whatsoever he spoke in reproof, were words of fond affection. Just so let us too chasten one another; and let neither the corrector be angry, (for this belongs not to correction, but to passion,) nor let him that is corrected take it ill. For what is done is healing, not despite.
  2. Correction should be done gently and in private – SJC And let us also who rebuke approach with great gentleness, with great prudence. And if you see a brother committing sin, as Christ commanded, make not your rebuke public, but between you and him alone: Matthew 18:15 not reproaching nor insulting over him when down, but in pain and with a melting heart.
  3. HISTORICAL CONTEXT: In SJC’s time it must have been customary for clergy to keep virgins for ‘housework’ but this caused scandal – SJC Suppose any brother dwelling in the same house with a virgin, in honor and chastity, and yet not even so quite escaping evil report. If then you should hear talk of this their dwelling together, be not contemptuous, nor say, Why, has he no understanding? Does he not himself know what is for his good? Get love for nothing, but do not for nothing get hatred. Why, what have I to do with taking up a gratuitous enmity? These are the doting words of wild beasts, or rather of demons: for it is not so that he is hated for nothing who does this for his brother’s correction, rather it is for great blessings and crowns unutterable.
  4. We cannot avoid correcting each other out of ‘staying out’ of each other’s business – SJC And say not, But what care I about these things? Fear thou him who first spoke this word; for the saying, Am I my brother’s keeper? Genesis 4:9 tends to the same point as this. This is the mother of all our evils that we esteem the concerns of our own body as foreign to us. What do you say? You care not for your brother? Who then is to care for him? The unbeliever who rejoices over and reproaches and insults him? Or the devil who urges him on and supplants him?
  5. Never give up trying to help people be better – SJC And yet God who foresees the future often speaks and does no good; yet does He not even so give up; and that, knowing that He shall not even persuade men. Now if He who knows beforehand that He shall win no advantage, ceases not from the work of correction, what excuse will you have, who art completely ignorant of the future and yet faintest and art benumbed? Yea, and many have succeeded by frequent attempts.
  6. Caring for others in love is caring for yourself – SJC Be not then inhuman, nor unmerciful, nor careless: for that these words come of cruelty and indifference is plain from what follows: viz. What is the reason that when one of the members of your body is in pain, you say not, What care I? Yet whence is it plain, that if it be taken due care of, it is restored?

Section [6]

  1. Correcting with compassion includes admitting you also need correction – SJC Speak some small praise of your brother, making it up from the other excellencies which he has. And foment him with your commendations as it were with warm water, and so mitigate the tumor of his wound. Speak of yourself also as wretched; accuse the common race of mankind; point out that we are all in sins; ask for pardon, saying, that you are undertaking things too great for you, but love persuades you to dare all things. Then in giving your advice, do it not imperiously, but in a brotherly way.
  2. Instead or reprimanding and speaking down to others, remind them what they already know – SJC And seeing that this proceeding considered in itself cannot be matter of praise, (for it is not commendable to keep house with a damsel that is a virgin;) let the purpose of him who does so be your topic for effecting this; and say, I know indeed that you do it for God’s sake, and that the desolation and unprotected state of that poor woman met your eye, and caused you to stretch out your hand to her. And although he may not be doing it with this intention, do thou speak so; and after this add what follows also; again excusing yourself and saying, These things I speak not to direct but to remind you.
  3. It is more effective if your correction is often and brief – SJC And let the matter of your advice be brief, for there is no need of much teaching; but let the expressions of forbearance on the other hand be many and close upon one another.

Section [7]

  1. All the fasting and services are useless if we attack others – SJC For what after all is the good of fasting or watching, when the tongue is drunken, and feasts itself at a table more unclean than of dog’s flesh; when it is grown ravening after blood, and pours out filth, and makes the mouth a channel of a sewer, nay rather something more abominable than that? For that which proceeds from thence pollutes the body: but what comes from the tongue often suffocates the soul.

SEND OFF! Pleasing God in everything should be our focus

For one ought indeed to be moved by the thought of the kingdom of heaven, and of what pleases God: but since you are of grosser disposition and bite like a wild beast, hereby even be thou instructed; that these arguments having corrected you, you may be able to order yourself simply from consideration of what pleases God; and having come to be above every passion, may obtain the heavenly blessings.