A Bible Study on the Book of Acts Session 5
The Church of the Holy Apostles;
Based upon the Homilies of St John Chrysostom (SJC)
Chapter 2 v. 1-4 – Who was there? Apostles, V. Mary, “the women” the brothers, IN UNITY.
Joseph was NOT mentioned since he died at the age of 110 just before the public ministry of Christ. SJC points out that he would otherwise have been there since he was the one who believed first. He NEVER saw Jesus as a mere human being as V. Mary did.
When was Pentecost? The harvest time. SJC compared this to the “sickle of the word.” The HS came down and ushered in the harvest time.
HS sat upon each of them. “settledness and continuation” NOT temporary
HS sat upon ALL of them. St Luke would not have said each of them after having said all 120 if he meant only the Apostles.
COMFORT: After Matthias’ election, the HS sat upon EACH. All received the HS
HS appears as fire (see Exodus 3.2 for the Burning Bush)
HS filled the entire house – entire world is invited. Prophets only had to speak to Jerusalem, the Apostles went to the entire world.
Chapter 2 v. 5-12 – People were faithful enough to relocate to Jerusalem.
ALL devout men gathered together at the sound of the HS
Created doubt and profound amazement “Whatever could this mean?”
Amazement was not just the languages but the subject matter. AND FROM FOREIGHNERS nonetheless!
Chapter 2. v. 13 – “They are filled with new wine” mocking. It wasn’t even the season for new wine.
Compare this to Ezekiel 3.3 “Then He said to me, ‘Son of man ,your mouth shall eat and your stomach will be filled with this scroll that is given to you.” Prophet received the Book, Apostles received HS
New wine = HS in their mouth (tongues of fire)
Old wine = OT Prophets
Mocked the Apostles just as they mocked Christ
SJC – “So here the largeness of the HS was shown, in that each one received a fountain of the Spirit.” (John 4.14)
Chapter 2 v. 14 – Courage of Peter and unity of the Apostles
Peter spoke to ALL with the understanding that he was speaking on behalf of all the Apostles.
Change in Peter – PRIOR he denied even knowing Jesus. NOW he boldly confesses Jesus. SJC sees this as a proof of the power of the Resurrection. GREAT boldness.
SJC “For wherever the HS is present, he makes men of gold out of men of clay.” (Homily p. 29)
Unity of the Apostles evident in willingness to allow Peter to speak on their behalf
Teaching on the Philosophy of “The World” – SJC “The mind of Peter was much more philosophical than their minds.” The Philosophers represent the fleshly world.
Vain glory – Plato wasted his time about a set of idle and useless dogmas. (SJC calls Plato a fly)
“World” let women be in common, let virgins go naked, let women wrestle before their lovers, the children begotten in common.
BUT NOT WITH US – nature doesn’t makes a common father, but the common faith of Peter = Faith in ChristLife Application – How do we discern? “I exhort you therefore to use the most strenuous endeavors to pluck out this passion by the very roots; by no other means can you have good esteem with God, and draw down upon you the benevolent regard of the Eye which never sleeps. Wherefore, let us use all earnestness to obtain the enjoyment of that heavenly influence, and thus both escape the trial of present evils, and attain unto the future blessings, through the grace and loving-kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Homily p. 31) What are these strenuous endeavors? Prayer, fasting, almsgiving, the sacraments. Etc…the life of the Church.