A Bible Study on the Book of Acts Session 8

The Church of the Holy Apostles;

Based upon the Homilies of St John Chrysostom (SJC)

Acts 2.37-46, Homily 7

Chapter 2 v. 37-39– Peter used soothing and comforting tactics (recap) and simply stated the obvious facts without commentary which results in “cut to the heart”

SJC “There is a natural spirit of accusation in man” which is the opposite response from the crowd. They had been accused so gently that they responded “men and brethren…” They surrendered themselves to the Apostles.

“Repent, and let every one of you be baptized….and receive the HS” (Baptism WITH Chrismation)

“To you and your children…” Children were included in the baptism and chrismation

“To all who are far off…” Peter waited to include the Gentiles until he had already convinced them to believe

SJC “For when the soul pronounces sentence against itself, no longer can it feel envy.”

Chapter 2 v. 40-41 – Salvation is a present experience

“Be saved from THIS perverse generation” Salvation is experienced now AND in the future. Who wouldn’t feel free from sin and stress NOW once they believed and accepted Christ? 3000 saved must have been a really awesome event, SJC suggests maybe even better than the initial miracle.

Chapter 2 v. 42-47 – Perseverance and concord achieve wonders!

“Continued steadfastly”  in Doctrine

“Daily with one accord” Unity of ENTIRE life including fellowship/doctrine/worship

SJC “As was the case with Christ; first there were signs, than teaching, then wonders; so was it  now.” (p 45)

“As anyone had need” not random sharing, but works of charity (sold their possessions)

“Daily in the Temple” Worship FIRST reveals unity of the soul (Let us commit ourselves, one another and our whole life to Christ our God. (from the Liturgy)

“Ate their food with gladness” SJC suggests the comparison to fasting. Food vs Banquet.

Prayer/Fasting/Almsgiving – leads to favor with all the people which leads to “Added to the Church daily”

All in common “This was an angelic commonwealth not to call anything their own.” SJC

Teaching on the Simplicity of Christian Life –Launches as an answer to “What did Peter teach?” see Homily pp 47-49

  1. “By what they did, they showed what they had heard”
  2. Simplicity drives away greed and sin
  3. A simple man is a safe friend
  4. God protects the simple because He commanded a simple life
  5. Simple life leads to holiness
  6. Imitate the faith of the Apostles – ZEAL
  7. “10,000 roads on all sides lead the lover of money to hell” alternative to simple life is death

Life Application – Do you believe? Repent! Worship/Fellowship/Charity/Teaching are the foundations of the Christian life. But FIRST you have to turn away from the world. You have to first despise wealth before you can give it away. “I do not marvel at those who despise, but at those who despise not riches. This is the character of a soul exceeding full of stupidity, no better than flies and gnats, a soul crawling upon the earth, wallowing in filth, destitute of all high ideas.”