Bible Study on Romans Session 3
Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans;
A Bible Study Based upon the Homilies of St John Chrysostom (SJC)
Study Guide – September 18, 2018 – Romans 1.8-17 – Homily 2
Prayer before reading of the Holy Scriptures: Shine within our hearts, loving Master, the pure light of Your divine knowledge, and open the eyes of our minds that we may comprehend the message of Your Gospel. Instill in us also reverence for Your blessed commandments so that, having conquered sinful desires, we may pursue a spiritual life, thinking and doing all those things which are pleasing to You. For You, Christ our God, are the light of our souls and bodies, and to You we give glory, together with Your Father who is without beginning and Your all holy, good and life giving Spirit, always now and forever and to the ages of ages.
Chapter 1, Verse 8
- We should all offer “first fruits” to God and give Him thanks.
- Be thankful for our blessings and others’ blessings
- SJC “Not only the rich must give thanks, but also the poor; not only those in good health, but the sick as well. Not only those who enjoy success, but those who patiently endure the opposite must also be grateful and express their thanks.” (Pg 23, # 2)
- Be thankful for the true blessings (spiritual rather than worldly)
- Rome was (and still is) visible from every side.
- Faith of Rome was honored. SJC “Consider now the power of the apostolic preaching and how, in a short time, the good news, spread by fishermen and tax gatherers, took hold of the noblest of cities, and how Syrians became the teachers and guides of Romans.” (Pg 24, #6)
- Teachers taught a life of austerity in a world of luxury.
Chapter 1, Verse 9-10
- Since they had never met, Paul invokes God as his witness. No other person would do.
- Paul shows his love and devotion by continually praying for the people.
- Paul indeed prays not just for Roman Christians, not just for Christians, but for entire world.
- Paul reveals his humility in stating the message is from the Spirit. He never takes credit.
- Paul’s ministry is to preach the Gospel, but there are many different ministries. SJC “In spiritual matters, one worships God and serves Him by his faith and the proper management of his own life, another by receiving strangers, and another by caring for the poor.” (Pg 26, #14)
- Christian worship “in spirit” is more loftier than pagan or Jewish worship.
- Gospel of God = Gospel of Son – Whatever belongs to the Father belongs to the Son. (see John 17.10)
- True love allows for God’s will. Paul wanted to go to Rome, but God did not allow for it. SJC “This is true and genuine love. But it is not like our love, because we fall and fail on both sides when it comes to the law of love. Either we love no one, or, whenever we do love, we love in a way that does not meet with the approval in the eyes of God. And so, in both cases, we act contrary to God’s law.” (Pg 28, #21)
- When we overlook Christ in favor for others, we have the wrong love.
Chapter 1, Verse 11-12
- Paul is not offering his own teaching, but only what He received from God
- Paul longed to travel to Rome not as tourist, but for spiritual purposes
- Paul spoke gently to gain their trust since they needed correction on various issues
- SJC “This is just as if he were saying, ‘Do not suspect that I said this to you by way of accusation. I had no such thought in mind when I said what I did. What was it that I wished to say? You were enduring may tribulations because you were overwhelmed by those who persecuted you. So I yearned to see you so that I might console and encourage you – not only that I might console you, but that I myself might be encouraged and consoled.’” (Pg 30, #31)
- There is comfort is physically seeing others with common faith (We need The Church!) SJC “When we are left alone and by ourselves, because we have been torn away from other believers, we grow somewhat faint-hearted. [like being away from Church] But when we see our fellow members, we receive an abundance of encouragement and consolation.” (Pg 31, #34)
Chapter 1, Verse 13-15
- Paul wanted to travel, but God would not allow it. He saw his role to obey, rather than question God. God’s providence needs to be respected.
- SJC “Why is it, tell me, that you seek to learn the reason? Is it that you do not know all things are under His care, that He is wise, that He does nothing without cause or reason? Surely you know that God loves you more than the father who begot you and the mother who gave you birth, that He goes far beyond a father’s affection toward you and far beyond a mother’s care and concern. So ask no more questions; go not a step further.” (Pg 33, #43)
- The Church is for ALL – Greeks, barbarians, wealthy, poor, etc. This is not offensive since Paul spoke from the position of good character. SJC “For it is not trades and occupation, but lying and false doctrine, that usually make teachers contemptible and despised.” (Pg 35, #51)
- SJC “For God did not make the sun and moon, the land and sea, and all other things to give a greater share to the rich and wise while he gave a smaller portion of His abundant blessings to the poor. Rather, He set forth the enjoyment of these equally for all. He did this same thing with the preaching of His message. And He did this in a much greater degree, inasmuch as this message was more necessary than the gifts of nature.” (Pg 35, #53)
Chapter 1, Verse 16-17
- Paul expected to suffer, but was not ashamed of his suffering for the Gospel
- If the Romans [and us] could get over their shame, they would believe. SJC “Yes, but I do not worship a god who is an adulterer, nor one who slays his father, nor one who murders his children. And such are all the gods of the pagans. But I do worship Him who by His cross stopped the mouths of demons and put an end to their tricks and snares. The cross is the work of His ineffable loving-kindness for us, the symbol of His abundant care and concern for our sake.” (Pg 37, #61)
- No matter who we are, God can save us.
- By saying “first” Paul is merely honoring them as those who were saved first chronologically, but not qualitatively speaking. SJC “For you do not achieve justification from God by sweat and toil. You receive it by a gift from above. Of you self you contribute one thing only – your faith.” (Pg 39, #68)
Life Application – Nature of our Reasoning is limited
- Don’t waste time with trying to figure it all out intellectually – “It is like a labyrinth or puzzles that have no end or resolution to them anywhere. They do not let our reason stand firm on a rock. They have their beginning in vanity and pretense. For such men are ashamed to admit the existence of faith and, so as not to show their ignorance of heavenly truths, they involve themselves in the sandstorms of countless reasoning processes.” (Pg 39, #72)
- Faith will save you – “Do you see how deep is the pit of unbelief and how strong is the fortress wall of faith? For failure to believe carried countless thousands to their death. Faith not only saved a woman who was a harlot, but made her the protectress and patroness of such a great people.” (Pg 40, #77)
- Don’t risk searching for what is unknowable – “If it is risky to be a busybody and to make idle investigations into whatever God has enjoined, and if the ultimate punishment is appointed for those whose curiosity questions His will, what excuse will they have who are meddling into matters far more secret and awesome than these? I mean such things as why and how did the Father beget the Son, and what God’s essence is.” (Pg 41, #81)
Send-Off “Therefore, let us, with all good will, accept these truths on faith, the mother of all blessings. Then we are sailing, as it were, in a tranquil harbor; we are holding to the straight course of correct doctrine; and we are guiding our lives in safety and security.” (Pg 41, #82)