God Didn’t Return Last Night

Growing up, we are taught to live as if Christ is going to return at any moment. It could be tonight, is the lesson each year especially during Holy Week. Well….if you are reading this, He didn’t return last night, and He didn’t for your sake. Beloved, this is now the second letter that I…

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Supplement Your Faith

Is it enough ‘just’ to believe? Why does the Church always ask me to ‘do more’? Why can’t it be enough that I believe in Jesus and was baptized? All the focus on attending church services, fasting, saying my prayers, reading the bible, and the sacraments. When is enough, enough? SIMON PETER, a servant and…

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Thank God for Another Day

As Christians we often think of God’s delay as a penalty. We wonder if God is ever coming back since He has delayed so many centuries. We look forward, sometimes with dread, to the many years ahead during which we will be expected to live without sin. Waiting is like torture in our minds. We…

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You Will Never Fall

These are words we all wish to believe. There must be a way to guarantee we never fall to temptation and sin. All my life I’ve heard that I shouldn’t expect to be perfect because only God is perfect. So, how can Saint Peter promise we will never fall? SIMON PETER, a servant and apostle…

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