Patience Saves

Our world moves quickly. Deals are made in ‘fast time’ using communication technology ‘at the speed of light’ without consideration of consequences. Our fast-paced life might work in the secular business world, but fast-paced spirituality can lead to shipwreck. IN THOSE DAYS, when it was decided that we should sail for Italy, they delivered Paul…

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False Accusation

There is a venerable tradition in our country of innocent until proven guilty. That doesn’t stop people from accusing, nor jumping to conclusions. As Americans, we have a system that is designed to protect us against false accusations. As Christians, there is no protection. IN THOSE DAYS, Agrippa the king and Bernice arrived at Caesarea…

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Violence Does Not Serve God

The world is a violent place and violent people are constantly searching for ways to defend themselves. Throughout the centuries violent leaders have twisted the Church’s teachings to support violence, carrying out so-called holy wars. No war is holy. IN THOSE DAYS, Paul took the men, and the next day he purified himself with them…

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Saved by Grace

Do you believe? Do you have to ‘do works’ to be saved? Why do we have to go to Church? Why do we have to fast? Why are there so many rules in the Orthodox Church? Aren’t we supposed to be saved by grace? What’s the deal? IN THOSE DAYS, some believers who belonged to…

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Spiritual Warfare

Together we are stronger sign

I’m sure you’ve heard about spiritual warfare. The devil has been at war with the Church since the beginning. Throughout the centuries just when everything seems to be going well for the Church, something disrupts our progress. Peace doesn’t seem to last long in the Church. IN THOSE DAYS, Paul went on with Barnabas to…

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Caution VS Fear

Growing up on the playground our courage is often tested by our friends. Jump over this. Throw that. Stand there. These are all challenges to our courage. They also establish our ‘pecking order’ among friends. We naturally strive for the top tier, so we regularly risk danger in the name of courage. In those days,…

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Inspired by God

People often talk about ‘God’s plan’ for their lives. We sometimes think God ‘placed’ someone in our life as ‘a sign’ from God. With this in mind, many believe that if we submit our life to God He will make everything better. He does make everything better, but rarely in the way we think. About…

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How Dare You Reach Out

There is an expectation of Christians in general, but especially clergy, that we associate only with believers. If we are seen talking, let alone eating, with nonbelievers our faith is called into question. How could we let ourselves be dragged so low, and hang out with ‘those’ people? In those days, while Peter was still…

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Naming Rights

Drive through any town and you wonder who ‘all those people’ were. Every street has a name. Every town building has a name. Parks have names. Airports and even schools have names. Lately our society has argued intensely about these names, even removing some. What is it about a name? In those days, Peter opened…

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What Would You Say?

In every aspect of our lives, we interact with others. It may be family or coworkers, or just a few friends we know from down the street. Our interactions with these differ only in the subjects we discuss. How often do your conversations turn to Christ? In those days, Peter went down to the men…

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