To Convert or Not to Convert

Are you searching for a Church to attend? Maybe you have come across this blog searching about Orthodox Christianity. Maybe you are already Orthodox but reading this blog because you have a friend who is searching. Maybe you are considering becoming Orthodox. Maybe not. Brethren, do you not know what the scripture says of Elijah,…

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In the Face of Truth

We are still basking in the glow of the Resurrection and already the Church is reminding us of our mission. The Resurrection is to be shared with everyone, not kept as ‘the best kept secret’ from our neighbors. This is one reason why we greet everyone with Christ is Risen until the Feast of Ascension.…

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Baptism Changes You

Baptism was a commanded by Christ and has been a staple in the life of every Christian from the beginning. Many Christians think baptism is an outward expression of love and faith in God. Many Christians think baptism is nothing more than a physical requirement to avoid hell. Many forget that baptism isn’t just a…

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Reconciliation to God

A man approaching a cross during sunrise

It is dangerously easy to think of God as angry and judgmental. He is our Father and we constantly disobey Him and disappoint Him. He is the Creator and we are not known for taking very good care of His creation. He is the lover of truth. We are not. Brethren, Christ died for all,…

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Pharisee Christians

Pharisee Christian

Some people think Christians cannot be Pharisees. I think we can. It is very easy to convert obedience into a rule law rather than faith. The Scriptures are filled with examples of Pharisee Jews who looked to the Law as the reason they were saved as the People of God. Church history is also filled…

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Being Taught

Christ is Risen! As you can imagine I regularly meet individuals who express a desire to become Orthodox. Sometimes they have never been baptized. Other times they are fleeing from one ‘version’ of Christianity or another. Sometimes even, as was likely the case in the ancient world, some want to be Orthodox because it comes…

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Household of Faith

It can be difficult to understand our faith is not an individual faith but a family faith. Living in America can make leaving individualism behind a bit difficult. We are trained from a young age to stand on our own, believe on our own, act on our own. This is obvious even in Protestant baptism,…

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