Being Christ Centered

In a society that encourages education beyond the basics, it can be difficult to see past learning for the sake of our soul. We walk around with ‘a bunch of letters after our name’ to show just how brilliant we were in school. All the while, we forget that life isn’t about us. It is…

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Christian Hypocrisy

There are many sayings that mock hypocrisy. One of my favorites, “Do as I say, not as I do,” expresses the sad truth that we are all susceptible to becoming hypocrites of the Law. As Christians we say one thing, and often do the other. At least we’re not alone. Brethren, when Gentiles who have…

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Reveal Christ through Your Kindness

All Christians desire to be an example of Christ. We pray. We attend Church services. We even fast. All these things Christ did, but still our lives do not inspire others to see Christ. Maybe it is because we do not reveal Him in our daily lives, but only in private Church services. Today is…

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Run to the Light

A man approaching a cross during sunrise

There was a study of the healing power of light in which it was discovered that patients who were positioned near windows healed faster than patients away from natural sources of light. What is true about light in our physical health is also true in our spiritual health. The Lord said to his disciples: “God…

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Get Past Your Ego

We all struggle with our ego. We think we are better than others when we are not. We think we are worse than others when we are not. Good or bad, we often think of ourselves before others. Even the Disciples had difficulties with their ego. What makes us think we are so different? At…

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Get Your House in Order

We understand the need when we grow old to put our things in order. Who will get our possessions? Who will take care of our requests. The older we get, the more we think of death and having our life in order. Now is the time to get our house in order. “Therefore thus says…

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Humanity is always Rushing Things

It started in the very beginning. Adam and Eve wanted to rush being like God. The result was the Fall of Humanity, and death. It wasn’t that God didn’t want humanity to be like God. He did. It was that humanity wasn’t ready to be like God yet. That is always our story. We rush…

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Episode 420 – Love is not a Contract

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

People do good things for three reasons. Some do good to avoid punishment. Others do good to earn rewards. The best reason to do good is because we love God. Doing good to get a response from God is contractual. Love is not a contract. When we are judged by God on Judgment Day, He…

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Christians in a Foreign Land

We have been spoiled as Christians for many centuries. Secular society has ‘more or less’ lifted our Christian morals. Through decades of public schools our Christian morals have been reinforced. That has all changed in the past few decades. Schools no longer reinforce Christian standards, and society no longer pays attention to our standards. It…

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Giving Everything

You’re walking down the city sidewalk, and a homeless man begs for help. You reach into your pocket and grab the spare change and toss it in his hat. You feel good about yourself for not ignoring the man and go about your day satisfied. You never miss the loose change that was in your…

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