Posts Tagged ‘Church’
Orthros Prayer Twelve
We have been reviewing the silent Orthros prayers. Some prayers ‘just say it all’ when it comes to our faith in God. Other prayers are more direct and specific. Today’s prayer is an all-encompassing prayer that finalizes the twelve prayers offered during the Six Psalms of Orthros. We praise You, we sing to You, we…
Read MorePrayer of the Third Hour
As Christians we hope to walk in the Light of Christ every day. At least that is the prayer of the First Hour which we discussed yesterday. If we walk in the Light of Christ that also means that we walk in the His shadow, living like He lived. That brings us to the Third…
Read MoreNobody is Safe from Temptation
As Christians we are told that God will protect us from evil. We grow up knowing that God is watching over us. So then, why do so many leave the Church and walk in sin? Temptation is the great equalizer. The stronger our faith, the stronger the temptation. The Lord said to his disciples, “When…
Read MoreIt is up to you
One of the difficulties of leadership is when people point fingers. They should do it. They should hear this. They should offer more. Leaders rarely hear people offering themselves. In the Church it sounds like, “I hope they heard your sermon today, Father.” It’s not about them. BRETHREN, when Christ appeared as a high priest…
Read MoreFaithful to the End
Being faithful today is synonymous with being loyal. We are loyal to friends. We are loyal to family. We are loyal to our employers. If any of these groups betray us, our loyalty fades or even disappears. As Christians our loyalty is to Christ, who never betrays us. In those days, Peter said to the…
Read MoreSelective Strictness
It is a known characteristic of Orthodox Christianity that we live with a certain strictness. Our way of life since the first days of the Church has been shaped by faithful leaders guiding faithful followers to a life in communion with Christ. Strictness has always been a part of that life. That sense of strictness…
Read MoreYou Cannot Sneak into Heaven
As Christians we admit there is just one way into heaven. We can only ‘get into’ heaven through Jesus Christ. That is one reason I often speak about the importance of the truth of Who Christ is. There is another truth to accept. Since Jesus is the only way in, no other way will work.…
Read MoreThe Importance of BEING Orthodox
Whether you agree with recent statistics or not, you cannot deny the plentitude of groups calling themselves Christians. One recent statistic counts Christian denominations at more than 43,000 separate governing bodies of ‘churches’, all claiming to the be the ‘true’ Church of Christ. Brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling…
Read MoreThe Yoke of Christ
We all know how difficult it can be to follow Christ. Throughout Christian history many have tried and failed, only to return to their sinful past. Many more have succeeded despite the struggle of choosing Christ over the worldly agenda. How can Christ even claim His ‘yoke’ is easy? The Lord said to his disciples,…
Read MoreChoose a Team
When we are young, we cringe at the idea of ‘choosing teams’ in gym class. The ‘time tested’ method of choosing who you wanted to compete with brought stress both to the captain and to those remaining unchosen. Choose incorrectly and you lose. Brethren, you who were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your…
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