Posts Tagged ‘Church History’
Time to Come Back
There is a concept in American Christianity referred to as ‘Christian Nomadism’. A nomad is one who moves from place to place, never ‘putting down roots’ for long. For Christians, this takes the form of ‘church hopping’ never being satisfied with one particular church. It’s time for a change. Brethren, I am speaking to you…
Read MoreFaith is not the Opposite of Reason
Have you ever been challenged by someone about what you believe? Have you ever heard the words, “Oh yeah? Prove it!” when it comes to your Christian beliefs? Have you ever been at a loss for words in the face of these and similar charges? Have you wondered if faith is real? Paul, a servant…
Read MoreSeparation is Death
It’s just one Sunday. I’ll go to Church next week. Weeks become months. Months become years. The next thing you know, you can’t remember the last time you were in Church. Sound familiar? May as well be true if you just replace attendance with Holy Communion. The Lord said to his disciples, “Let not your…
Read MoreSpiritual Warfare
I’m sure you’ve heard about spiritual warfare. The devil has been at war with the Church since the beginning. Throughout the centuries just when everything seems to be going well for the Church, something disrupts our progress. Peace doesn’t seem to last long in the Church. IN THOSE DAYS, Paul went on with Barnabas to…
Read MoreThe Fight from Within
We know from the Scriptures and Christian history that many fight the Church from outside the Church. The Pagan persecution, the Islamic influence, and even secularism have all been fighting the Church. We know how to defeat them, but how do we defeat those who from the Church from within? In those days, Stephen, full…
Read MoreUnrecognized Miracles
Reading the Scriptures daily reveals the truth of God. The only problem is that sometimes we can get a skewed version of the truth. This is especially the case when it comes to miracles. We read about miracle healings ‘just about’ every day throughout the year. It is almost as if everyone received a miracle,…
Read MoreA Closed Loop Opens
Here we are at the beginning of another Lectionary Cycle of the Church. One thing that strikes me every year is how quickly my mind returns to Holy Week as I am reading the Scriptures. While the Book of Acts looks forward to the new developing Church, the Gospel of John returns to the beginning.…
Read MoreAre You Praying for Your City?
Last night throughout the entire Orthodox Christian world, Churches were filled with faithful. It wasn’t liturgy, but it was just as important. Tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians sang the Akathist to the Theotokos according to our custom. It is a service which commemorates a time when our faithful ancestors prayed to the Theotokos to…
Read MoreThe Promised Land
It seems there is perpetual war in the Middle East. Although history reveals certain periods of peace, the reality that people have been fighting over a sliver of land for centuries should make us ponder. Where is the promised land that God offered to Abraham? When Abram was ninety-nine years old the LORD appeared to…
Read MoreEpisode 421 – The Sunday of Truth
The Sunday of Orthodoxy is a celebration of the truth of God’s incarnation. It is much more than the celebration of paint and art. Holy Icons are a crucial reminder that God has become human so that we commune with Him. Holy Icons are a reminder of the truth that God has brought us the…
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