Posts Tagged ‘Church History’
The Promised Land
It seems there is perpetual war in the Middle East. Although history reveals certain periods of peace, the reality that people have been fighting over a sliver of land for centuries should make us ponder. Where is the promised land that God offered to Abraham? When Abram was ninety-nine years old the LORD appeared to…
Read MoreEpisode 421 – The Sunday of Truth
The Sunday of Orthodoxy is a celebration of the truth of God’s incarnation. It is much more than the celebration of paint and art. Holy Icons are a crucial reminder that God has become human so that we commune with Him. Holy Icons are a reminder of the truth that God has brought us the…
Read MoreIt is about Communion
Many people wonder why coming to Church on Sunday is so important. For some, coming to Church is about connecting to friends and family. For others, attending Church is about learning the Bible and Church history. It is good to see friends and we should always want to learn more about God. This is true,…
Read MoreGain Becomes Loss
We are all faced with choices. With each choice comes the option to gain or to lose. As Christians we are taught that we gain when we lose. To the world this appears foolish. To God is appears to be heaven. In today’s Gospel lesson we come face to face with the Jewish leaders who…
Read MoreAll Information is not Equal
We live in a society that values all information as equal. It often doesn’t matter if the information is accurate. If someone ‘puts it out there’ we tend to give it equal value to other information. The problem is not all information is accurate, and not all information should be valued equally. This is most…
Read MoreThe Church and State
As Americans we live by the standard of separation of church and state. This uniquely American ideal has its benefits for sure. Historically, though, the Orthodox Church has not been free of civil interventions, and today is only the most recent example. Today the Church commemorates Saint Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople. His life…
Read MoreSaints for the Lost of America
Just look around and you will see them. There are many Orthodox Christians that walk through your neighborhoods, lost. I don’t mean they don’t know where they are walking. I mean they are spiritually lost, surrounded by false teachers and myriad temptations. More and more every day, the lost faithful disappear into the fabric of…
Read MoreEvery Question has a Motive
We live in a society that seems to feed on negativity. Turn on any cable news program and reporters and panels are constantly trying to trap people into making statements they will later regret. It is done mostly with politicians, but I have noticed lately that nobody is immune to this treatment. Even young athletes…
Read MoreFancy Words
As a college student during the first Gulf War in 1990 I recall all my friends and I being ‘glued’ to the TV watching CNN reporting nonstop from across the globe. Every time we had the chance, we would watch the reports and speeches about the war. I remember that we had to watch the…
Read MoreAncient Faith
Living in most cities in America, the oldest building we are likely to encounter is between 100 and 150 years old. Sure, there are a few rare buildings that have survived here and there, but for the most part we live in a very ‘new and young’ society. The vast majority of buildings we see…
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