The Body is not a Shell

bones of the innocents killed by Herod

I find it hard to believe that so many Christians accept cremation of the dead. I also find it hard to believe so many Christians say things like, “They aren’t here,” in reference to the dead. I know grief has a way of clouding the reason, but faith is stronger than grief. The truth is…

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Stubborn in our Sin

A Girl Shouting With Fingers In Hand

There is a new movie being released soon. Greeks those who love Greek life are very excited. The third, and I hope final, Greek wedding movie has just released a trailer. I admit it looks like a fun movie about Greece, but something in the trailer has caught the attention of those in the Church.…

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Holiness Extends Beyond the Grave

Different tombstones at a graveyard

Last week was the annual National March for Life in Washington, DC. Huge crowds gathered in our nation’s capital, including Orthodox Christian Clergy, to defend the rights of the unborn in our society. Abortion, though ‘a little less legal’ since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, is still on the minds of too many people.…

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Against Cremation

When it comes to our struggle against the modern, secular world, one consistent patter emerges. Our society has no regard for the human body as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We abuse our bodies with drugs and alcohol. We use our bodies as canvas for artwork, and we pincushions. It should come as no…

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The Epidemic of Cremation

The past two years has changed the way we even speak as a society. The COVID19 Pandemic has affected every aspect of our society from how we teach our children to how we gather as friends for holidays, but like every other disease the world faces, this too shall pass. What seems to not be…

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