It is up to you

One of the difficulties of leadership is when people point fingers. They should do it. They should hear this. They should offer more. Leaders rarely hear people offering themselves. In the Church it sounds like, “I hope they heard your sermon today, Father.” It’s not about them. BRETHREN, when Christ appeared as a high priest…

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Killing God

bones of the innocents killed by Herod

We are still celebrating Christmas and already the world has begun to turn against God. Drive through town and you will see homes and businesses that just yesterday were glowing with Christmas lights, only today to be void of any celebration. People act like they hate God. When the wise men departed, behold, an angel…

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What if it was God the Whole Time?

I am not afraid of truth. Science doesn’t scare me. It doesn’t shake my faith. It doesn’t matter what someone tells me, I believe God, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, is the Creator of the Universe. The only difference between my belief and countless other ‘creator stories’ is God. In those days, while Paul was waiting for them…

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Two Faced Christians

For years I have witnessed with frustration Christians welcome visitors, even invite visitors, only to reject visitors who may want to join the Church. Its one thing to visit. Its another thing to join. So long as visitors keep a safe distance, we’re happy to welcome them. Just keep a distance. Brethren, when Peter came…

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Episode 432 – Being Agents of God’s Grace

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When thousands were gathered around Christ in the desert, the Disciples expected the Lord to send them away so they could feed themselves. Instead, Christ said, “They do not need to go away. You give them something,” and thousands were fed with just a few loaves of bread and two fish. Christ fed the crowds…

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Common Life

In every Divine Liturgy we proclaim our common life in Christ when we pray, “Let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.” We do not commend our unison lives to Christ. We commend our life, singular, to Christ. That should mean something. Brethren, let any one who thinks…

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It is Good News for a Reason

There are two things that indicate a growing Church. First, the people are excited about their Church. Some even produce bumper stickers to share their joy with the world around them. The second indication of a growing Church is how many new people come to stay. If we are not excited enough to share our…

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To Convert or Not to Convert

Are you searching for a Church to attend? Maybe you have come across this blog searching about Orthodox Christianity. Maybe you are already Orthodox but reading this blog because you have a friend who is searching. Maybe you are considering becoming Orthodox. Maybe not. Brethren, do you not know what the scripture says of Elijah,…

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Wise Innocence

I am embarrassed to admit that I have, on more than one occasion, chased birds. I have never caught a single bird, no matter how I tried. They always saw me coming. Big ones and little ones, they always outsmart me. On the other hand, I have caught snakes in the wild. The Lord said…

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Caution VS Fear

Growing up on the playground our courage is often tested by our friends. Jump over this. Throw that. Stand there. These are all challenges to our courage. They also establish our ‘pecking order’ among friends. We naturally strive for the top tier, so we regularly risk danger in the name of courage. In those days,…

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