Posts Tagged ‘family’
Episode 446 – Healing as a Family
When we gather as the family of God, we have the blessing to bring people to Christ who need His help and healing. When Christ saw the faith of four friends of a paralyzed man, He healed the man and forgave his sins. Our responsibility to God is bring people to the Church so they…
Read MoreKnow Your Place
There is a place for everyone in the Church. That place is not just in the pews, but in the ministry of the Church. Nobody can do everything, but everybody must do something. If the ministry of Christ depended upon only the clergy, the Gospel would never spread. BRETHREN, grace was given to each of…
Read MoreEpisode 440 – Not Sinless but Holy
When we hear the human lineage of Christ in Matthew 1.1-25, we hear about our human ancestors. The ‘list of names’ reminds us that God has never walked away from us, no matter how far we have strayed away from Him. The Feast of Christmas is a celebration of God’s saving act of becoming human…
Read MoreThe Household of God
Our host parish in Tarpon Springs was in the throngs of a doubleheader hurricane in the past three weeks. At one point I was forced to evacuate my home with my family for a safer place to ‘ride out the storm’ before returning home. Leaving, wondering if you will return is emotional. Returning home is…
Read MoreKnow Your Family
For many of us the very name we use is a testament to our family history. I was named after my grandfather and my son is named after my father. Our last names tell the world what family we belong to when we meet strangers. Everything we do, our family is a part of it,…
Read MoreFatherhood and Faith – A Divine Partnership
“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence.” (1 Timothy 3.2-5) Summer…
Read MoreChristians in a Foreign Land
We have been spoiled as Christians for many centuries. Secular society has ‘more or less’ lifted our Christian morals. Through decades of public schools our Christian morals have been reinforced. That has all changed in the past few decades. Schools no longer reinforce Christian standards, and society no longer pays attention to our standards. It…
Read MoreThe Cost of Following God
There is a cost to everything. Whether it be financial cost, emotional cost, or the cost of time, everything that we desire comes at a cost. The more we want something, the more we are willing to pay. The less we care about something, the less we are willing to pay. Then there are those…
Read MoreConception Should be Celebrated
For generations our society has been preoccupied with sex. People want access to sex without strings attached, sex that is without guilt, sex that is freeing. For many it doesn’t matter where the sex comes from, so long as it feels good. Everything is acceptable, until someone gets pregnant. Even in marriage, sex has become…
Read MoreFamily Bonds
Being Christian in contemporary America can be difficult enough without your family being against you. The last thing we think is possible is families not being supportive of our faith in Christ. It would be bad enough if our family didn’t believe. It is that much harder when they actively work against our journey to…
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