Posts Tagged ‘forgiveness’
Life over Death
In the past several years the battle over legalized abortion in our nation has been thrust to the ‘top’ of every political agenda. With the overturning of Roe V Wade, the question of when and if it is ok to kill an unborn child is once again ‘on the ballot’ of public opinion. Today is…
Read MoreEpisode 443 – A Real-Life Prodigal Son
When someone who has wasted everything and lost everything, or has strayed away from God, chooses to return in repentance, it is a blessing to witness. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is much more than just a story about repentance. It is also a story of the ‘one left behind’ and being too cold…
Read MoreA Day of Love
In the American cultural experience today is Valentine’s Day. Thought to be a celebration of a saint, if we’re honest, is just another secular holiday excuse to boost the economy of florists and candy manufacturers. It isn’t really about love. Brethren, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment which you had…
Read MorePlanning the Unplannable
Do I invest in a retirement plan, or live paycheck to paycheck? As Christians we are expected to live in the moment and let the future worry about itself. What happens when the future comes, and I am not ready? That doesn’t sound like ‘fun’ to be out in the cold if only I had…
Read MoreWanted Dead or Alive!
As you may know I was raised in the west, sometimes called the wild west, where legends of famous outlaws blanketed history. In every small town you could always find a sign to purchase to hassle your best friends. The saying was for outlaws, but Christ wants us alive, not dead. Brethren, all who have…
Read MoreEternal Union
It is easy to talk about forgiveness when it doesn’t matter. Too often I hear, “Sure I forgive them. God will take get them. I don’t have to.” I’m sorry to tell you, this is not forgiveness. This is vengeance. The problem isn’t now. The problem comes later when we are eternally together. There are…
Read MoreEpisode 431 – United in Faith for the Forgiveness of Sins
When Christ saw the faith of the friends of the paralytic, He said to the man, “Your sins are forgiven.” Christ didn’t heal the man until He wanted to show His power to forgive sins. When we are united in the faith of Christ, our sins can be forgiven by God. When we pray each…
Read MoreLook in the Mirror
Just take a glance around the room when you are in a public place. Ask yourself what struggles each person you see might be experiencing right now. Fight the temptation to see their smiles and laughter as joy. For all you know, they are suffering on the inside. The truth is. You don’t know. The…
Read MoreSacrifice as Response
When we hear the word sacrifice, most think of involuntary death. Thanks to Hollywood we have no understanding of what it means to make a sacrifice to God. Let me just remind you. Sacrifice has nothing to do with convincing God to ‘do’ something. Brethren, if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God…
Read MoreBeware of Judgment
As Christians we know we are not supposed to judge others. We quote to each other all the time. “Judge not, lest you be judged,” (Matthew 7.1) but judgment does much deeper. When we judge others, not only will we be judged, we are already judging ourselves. Brethren, since the ungodly did not see fit…
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