What Makes You Happy?

We all need a little encouragement to ‘keep us going’ each day! For some it is a paycheck. For others it is knowing we are making a difference in the world. Still others keep going by watching their children grow into adulthood. These are all great accomplishments, but all fall short. The Lord said to…

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How Dare You Reach Out

There is an expectation of Christians in general, but especially clergy, that we associate only with believers. If we are seen talking, let alone eating, with nonbelievers our faith is called into question. How could we let ourselves be dragged so low, and hang out with ‘those’ people? In those days, while Peter was still…

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The Power of the Incarnation

Today the Church ‘takes a brief break’ from the strict fast of Great Lent for the Feast of the Annunciation. Today the Church remembers the Good News that God gave humanity through the Archangel Gabriel. Today all humanity receives hope in the power of God’s Incarnation. Nothing says power like a virgin giving birth. To…

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Gain Becomes Loss

We are all faced with choices. With each choice comes the option to gain or to lose. As Christians we are taught that we gain when we lose. To the world this appears foolish. To God is appears to be heaven. In today’s Gospel lesson we come face to face with the Jewish leaders who…

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Episode 419 – Come Back to God

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

The Parable of the Prodigal Son teaches us that we are all called to return to God. He is waiting for us every time we walk away from the Church. Every time we walk out of Church we are faced with temptations of the world. The sooner we return to God and His Church, the…

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Thank God for Another Day

As Christians we often think of God’s delay as a penalty. We wonder if God is ever coming back since He has delayed so many centuries. We look forward, sometimes with dread, to the many years ahead during which we will be expected to live without sin. Waiting is like torture in our minds. We…

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Episode 418 – Stop Keeping Score

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

It is so easy to list the sins of everyone around us. The prayer of the Pharisee was focused on the sins of others rather than his own sins. It was the prayer of the Publican who understood his need for God’s mercy. Being preoccupied with following the rules of the Church for the sake…

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Giving Everything

You’re walking down the city sidewalk, and a homeless man begs for help. You reach into your pocket and grab the spare change and toss it in his hat. You feel good about yourself for not ignoring the man and go about your day satisfied. You never miss the loose change that was in your…

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The Reward of Righteousness

We’ve all heard it before. Good guys finish last. Watching just a few minutes of the nightly news and you might agree. Let’s face it. Our society rewards choices and priorities that we as Christians don’t follow. We choose to be righteous in the eyes of God but is that good enough. Since yesterday was…

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