Posts Tagged ‘Gospel of Matthew’
There is a popular bumper sticker which uses symbols of different religions and cultures to spell the word ‘coexist’ that I see often on the road. On the one hand, the bumper sticker expresses the desire to be ‘left alone’ to ‘live and let live’ those around us. On the other hand, it is truth.…
Read MoreEpisode 430 – Siding with God
When we battle against God we cannot benefit from His power. When God healed the Gergesene Demoniacs, the crowed was angry with God. Instead of thanking God, they fought against Him. God has the power to protect us even from demons, but only if we stop fighting against Him. Transcript: My brothers and sisters, we…
Read MoreSpiritual Maturity
There is an old joke that says, “Everything I needed to know, I learned in kindergarten.” It is a joke because even teenagers know they didn’t know enough after kindergarten to ‘get along’ in the world. How much is enough? High school? College? It isn’t about learning. It is about maturity. If all we needed…
Read MoreYou Have Value
Our society assesses value to everything and everyone. Tangible and intangible items alike all have a value we assign. What is valuable to one person may not be valuable to another. Certain rare items have such a high value that we compete to attain them. We may even battle for them. The Lord said to…
Read MoreWise Innocence
I am embarrassed to admit that I have, on more than one occasion, chased birds. I have never caught a single bird, no matter how I tried. They always saw me coming. Big ones and little ones, they always outsmart me. On the other hand, I have caught snakes in the wild. The Lord said…
Read MoreLook in the Mirror
Just take a glance around the room when you are in a public place. Ask yourself what struggles each person you see might be experiencing right now. Fight the temptation to see their smiles and laughter as joy. For all you know, they are suffering on the inside. The truth is. You don’t know. The…
Read MoreYoked to Christ
I’m a city boy through and through. Although I grew up regularly camping and enjoying the outdoors of Colorado, I am fully city. The only thing I knew about farm animals was what I saw on TV or watched at the zoo. I never even knew what a yoke was, let alone wanted to wear…
Read MoreNo Guarantees
Our consumer society has a way of convincing us to purchase products we don’t even desire. Retailers and manufacturers proudly assert a money back guarantee if we are not satisfied. All we need to do is change our mind. Salvation does not come with a money back guarantee. The Lord said, “Not every one who…
Read MoreHelping Hands
One of the greatest gifts a Christian receives is the opportunity to help another person. It might be financial help or just lending a helping hand when things get difficult. God is always ‘there’ when we need Him, so it is only natural that we offer the same love to others. At that time, Jesus…
Read MoreEpisode 429 – Sheep Follow the Shepherd
Last week the Church commemorated the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. Christ promised the Holy Spirit would guide the Holy Apostles into all the truth. Christ appointed the Apostles to shepherd the Church to heaven. The Apostles ordained Bishops and throughout history, the Bishops of the Church have served as shepherd leading…
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