Worth the Suffering

bones of the innocents killed by Herod

It is human nature to look on someone who is suffering for a cause and think, “WOW! That person really believes in something. That person is even willing to die for it.” We’ve all witnessed such belief. We’ve seen people chained to trees, laying down in front of bulldozers, and even imprisoned for the sake…

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Power to Do Good

Candles lighting

There seems to be a typical human response to power. If there is power to be had, then people will fight to have it for themselves. It happens in the workplace. It happens in the home. It even happens in the Church, much as I would like to wish that it did not. What do…

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Holding God

Can you imagine holding Christ in your arms? Can you imagine the blessing of hearing from the Holy Spirit that you would not die before you saw Christ? Well, today both are true, and both are possible. Today the Church commemorates the memory of Saint Symeon the God-Receiver. He was the one to whom God…

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