Orthros Prayer Nine

Reading the Holy Scriptures is a part of every Orthodox Christian’s day. Either in the morning or sometime during the day, we are encouraged by the Church daily to read the Bible. Today’s Daily Lenten Journey on Prayer looks at the prayer that reinforces our need for the Bible. Shine within our hearts, O Master…

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God Was Seen Among His People

When people say ‘seeing is believing’ they are expressing more than just doubt. Something that can be seen is real and tangible. With our human perception and sensory system, we all eventually believe what can be ‘revealed’ to us. Well, God was revealed to His people. TIMOTHY, my son, those who serve well as deacons…

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Thanks for What?

We are told as Christians to be thankful. Even the act of communing with God is called Divine Thanksgiving, or Holy Eucharist. We know that God has come to save us, but our lives on earth are filled with temptations and struggles. What exactly are we supposed to be thankful for? Brethren, whatever you do,…

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All Things Under His Feet

For many years I have struggled with the idea that God is ‘in control’ as if He was playing some sort of game with humanity. “God did…God placed…God chose…” These are expressions of power, not love. God is in control, but He doesn’t play chess. God’s control is based on love. Brethren, God has put…

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Sign of the Times

With modern technology it is just about impossible to not know where you are located. GPS in our phones and even our watches leave us with a false sense of security that we can never be lost. If you’re like me, you have found yourself in that one place with no signal and no location.…

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Episode 427 – Could this be Christ?

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When Saint Photini met Christ at the well in the heat of the day, her heart was totally exposed to Him. In her dialogue with God, she felt His love and grace instead of shame. She immediately went and invited everyone she knew, “Could this be the Christ?” They came and had the same experience.…

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Nobody is Beyond Hope

We all sin, some more than others, but we all fall short of the glory of God. There are those who seem to be committed to sin. They wake up scheming how to sin. Some even work diligently to make others suffer. Jesus Christ didn’t just come for us, He came for ‘those people’ also.…

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The Next Chapter

I often write about the seasons of the Church. Today is the last day of a season, but not the last chapter of the story. During Great Lent we read three books from the Old Testament. All three books have come to an end today, but the story is not over. Next week begins a…

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Do Not Envy Evil

It is totally natural. We look around and see ‘everyone but us’ enjoying life. We are struggling to keep the fast of Great Lent and attend extra church services while our friends are going to parties and living it up. We feel like oddballs among our friends, and sometimes even family. Great Lent will be…

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It’s About Becoming Perfect

In the Gospel of Mark we hear of a father who brought his son to Jesus for healing because the Apostles were unable to heal him. He called to Jesus, “’If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible…

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