Posts Tagged ‘Lectionary’
Orthros Prayer Nine
Reading the Holy Scriptures is a part of every Orthodox Christian’s day. Either in the morning or sometime during the day, we are encouraged by the Church daily to read the Bible. Today’s Daily Lenten Journey on Prayer looks at the prayer that reinforces our need for the Bible. Shine within our hearts, O Master…
Read MoreA Confusing Lectionary
If you are in the habit of reading the Holy Scriptures everyday using ‘The Readings of the Day’ you may have been a bit confused today. You may be wondering ‘which’ reading for today is the correct reading. You may be wondering how the Church chooses the readings it chooses. As Orthodox Christians, reading the…
Read MoreA Closed Loop Opens
Here we are at the beginning of another Lectionary Cycle of the Church. One thing that strikes me every year is how quickly my mind returns to Holy Week as I am reading the Scriptures. While the Book of Acts looks forward to the new developing Church, the Gospel of John returns to the beginning.…
Read MoreAn End Brings a New Beginning
As we wrap up the Triodion Period this week, our annual Lectionary is coming to an end. Beginning next week, we will read from the New Testament only on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekdays are reserved for Old Testament readings during the Great Fast. There are just a few more days to inspire us to…
Read MoreNews Cycle
The week after the feast of the Holy Cross, the Church begins a new cycle. We began yesterday reading from the Gospel of Luke, and we will continue throughout the Fall. I bring that to you attention because if your discipline includes reading the ‘daily readings’ of the Church, you might be tempted to skip…
Read MoreA Lost Opportunity
Today is known in the Church as “Wednesday of the First Week of Luke” as it pertains to the liturgical cycle. In practical terms that means this week we begin reading from the Gospel According to Saint Luke. Each year on the Monday following the Feast of Holy Cross we begin a new season by…
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