Practice Endurance

Do you have what it takes to be a Christian in the 21st Century? Every news report seems to include stories about moral struggles that are at odds with our Christian way of thinking. It seems like we are quickly returning to a time when the Church will be considered the enemy rather than sin.…

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Standing Up as Christians

Neon sign for Standup

The idea of ‘standing up’ for what we believe has become synonymous with the idea of protest. If we don’t like what someone is saying or doing, we protest. As Americans we have been protesting since the first days of our nation. In that, nothing has changed. What has changed is what we are willing…

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Do this or Else

The word Persecute focused on a page

It reads like a modern-day version of the ancient martyr stories. I won’t champion one news agency over another, so do yourself a favor and google Ivan Provorov and his refusal to wear a pride jersey at a recent hockey game. You will find stories which read like the ancient synaxarion. “Wear this jersey or…

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