Lenten Prayer of Saint Ephraim

This year’s Daily Lenten Journey will be about prayer. I have written extensively on fasting over the years. Other years the Daily Lenten Journey has been about the daily scripture readings. All the fasting and all the bible reading is useless without prayer. So, we will spend the next 40 days discussing various prayers. Today…

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Is there a limit to God’s Power?

The power of prayer. The power of faith. As Christians we are always talking about and invoke the power the God. Still, bad things happen. Still, sick people die. Still, evil seems to be spreading. You might begin to wonder if there is a limit to God’s power. Well, yes and no. About that time,…

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God is in Control

We hear it from friends. We read it on social media. “God is in control!” I must admit that every time I see this it almost always means, “Sit back and let God take care of it.” For others it means God will punish those who attack us or intervene for us. What does God…

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When People of Faith Doubt

When it comes to faith some believe that doubt is a sin. Some believe that it is not possible for someone who knows God and believes Him can doubt His power. Everyone doubts, if even a little, but that doesn’t mean doubt is a sin. Even people of faith doubt. At that time, in the…

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Authority is for Good

As human beings we are consumed with power and authority. Our politics reflect it. Our personal relationships reflect it. Even our home life reflects the desire for power and authority. The problem is, we don’t use our power and authority for good. Brethren, let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is…

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Episode 430 – Siding with God

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When we battle against God we cannot benefit from His power. When God healed the Gergesene Demoniacs, the crowed was angry with God. Instead of thanking God, they fought against Him. God has the power to protect us even from demons, but only if we stop fighting against Him. Transcript: My brothers and sisters, we…

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Unrecognized Miracles

Miracle just ahead, printed on a board

Reading the Scriptures daily reveals the truth of God. The only problem is that sometimes we can get a skewed version of the truth. This is especially the case when it comes to miracles. We read about miracle healings ‘just about’ every day throughout the year. It is almost as if everyone received a miracle,…

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The Awesome God

As human beings we are constantly surrounded by examples of power and authority. Just turn on the TV for any brief moment and you will find countless examples of earthly power. Politicians and celebrities are all vying for your attention. The one thing missing in every example of earthly authority is lasting power. Every example…

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Episode 408 – God is all we Need

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

When we are surrounded and tormented by demons in our life, God has the power to the send them away. In the world there are many tempting alternatives to in which we place our trust in these times, such as the “Evil Eye”. Real power is Christ, no blue glass eye. Don’t waste your energy…

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When God Gets Involved

Without proper food and water, people die. Throughout history wars have been fought over these types of resources. In fact, add only energy supplies, and not much has changed. Wars still happen over resources. There is one thing the world still hasn’t understood. When God gets involved, there is always enough. At that time, Jesus,…

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