Posts Tagged ‘prayer’
Automatic Christianity
I just don’t get it. Why is it I meet so many people that think ‘just because’ they were baptized that means they are Christians and will be saved. It is as if baptism is some sort of magic pill that guarantees entrance to heaven. Others think, “I believe in Jesus. That’s enough.” Then there…
Read MoreEpisode 417 – Learning to Love
When Christ was asked which law was the most important, He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these…
Read MoreAsk Rightly
There is only one way to guarantee that the answer from God to every prayer is ‘yes’. We have to learn to ask for the right things from God. When we ask for the right things, He will always say yes. The Lord said to his disciples, “Ask, and it will be given you; seek,…
Read MoreHow to Pray
The Church tells us we must pray. Our friends tell us we must pray. The saints and the Scriptures tell us we must pray. Every believer wants to pray. We just don’t always know how to pray. Don’t feel bad. Some of the earliest followers of Christ had the same problem. At that time, Jesus…
Read MoreGod Chooses Who He Saves
I must admit it can be difficult accepting the truth that God can save whomever He wishes. He created us and He can save us if He desires. So long as that includes you and me, we are happy. When it includes ‘that guy over there’ we are not so understanding. Doesn’t God know how…
Read MoreEpisode 407 – What We Need, Not What We Want
We all ask God for things, but God does not always give us what we want. Having wants is not necessarily a bad thing. When what we want is not what we need, we need to trust God more than we know. God may not give us what we want, but He will always give…
Read MoreChristian Relationships
Long before you and I were born God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2.18) He wasn’t talking about needing someone for housework or to work the fields. He was talking about our salvation. Since we are created in the image of God, Who is a community of love in…
Read MoreThe Church Mission
It has become vogue to talk about Church as a family. It is a family, but being a family is not the Church’s mission. It is not the mission of any family to keep to itself, but many churches do just that. We live as if our Church is ‘just’ for our entertainment. It is…
Read MoreHeaven is for You
As humans we are so preoccupied with getting into heaven, we forget that we can’t ‘do anything’ to get in. We can only prepare ourselves to accept what God has already done for us in the first place. A life of prayer, fasting and taking care of the poor isn’t about getting ‘in’, it is…
Read MorePractice Endurance
Do you have what it takes to be a Christian in the 21st Century? Every news report seems to include stories about moral struggles that are at odds with our Christian way of thinking. It seems like we are quickly returning to a time when the Church will be considered the enemy rather than sin.…
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