Posts Tagged ‘relationships’
Orthros Prayer Twelve
We have been reviewing the silent Orthros prayers. Some prayers ‘just say it all’ when it comes to our faith in God. Other prayers are more direct and specific. Today’s prayer is an all-encompassing prayer that finalizes the twelve prayers offered during the Six Psalms of Orthros. We praise You, we sing to You, we…
Read MoreOrthros Prayer Ten
It is too easy to think all Saints were always saints. Some of the greatest saints were among the ‘worst’ sinners. Today our Daily Lenten Journey will consider how we can pray for repentance and forgiveness of sins. During Great Lent the Church, because she loves us, elevates saints of great repentance. Since before Great…
Read MoreEpisode 446 – Healing as a Family
When we gather as the family of God, we have the blessing to bring people to Christ who need His help and healing. When Christ saw the faith of four friends of a paralyzed man, He healed the man and forgave his sins. Our responsibility to God is bring people to the Church so they…
Read MoreLenten Prayer of Saint Ephraim
This year’s Daily Lenten Journey will be about prayer. I have written extensively on fasting over the years. Other years the Daily Lenten Journey has been about the daily scripture readings. All the fasting and all the bible reading is useless without prayer. So, we will spend the next 40 days discussing various prayers. Today…
Read MoreLife over Death
In the past several years the battle over legalized abortion in our nation has been thrust to the ‘top’ of every political agenda. With the overturning of Roe V Wade, the question of when and if it is ok to kill an unborn child is once again ‘on the ballot’ of public opinion. Today is…
Read MoreA Day of Love
In the American cultural experience today is Valentine’s Day. Thought to be a celebration of a saint, if we’re honest, is just another secular holiday excuse to boost the economy of florists and candy manufacturers. It isn’t really about love. Brethren, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment which you had…
Read MoreIt is up to you
One of the difficulties of leadership is when people point fingers. They should do it. They should hear this. They should offer more. Leaders rarely hear people offering themselves. In the Church it sounds like, “I hope they heard your sermon today, Father.” It’s not about them. BRETHREN, when Christ appeared as a high priest…
Read MoreWho Do You Trust?
It may be a parent or best friend. It may be the wealthy business owner who ‘took you under his wing’ to teach you. It may even be your local priest. But whoever it is, there is someone close to you to advise you and to hear your deepest secrets, and you trust everything they…
Read MoreAvoid the Fight
It can be so tempting to look across the room at two people arguing and think, “I can solve that.” Just then, the inevitable comes with each calling you to “Take my side. Tell him that he is wrong.” Now you’ve done it. You’ve inserted yourself into something you have to business. Timothy, my son,…
Read MoreGod is in Control
We hear it from friends. We read it on social media. “God is in control!” I must admit that every time I see this it almost always means, “Sit back and let God take care of it.” For others it means God will punish those who attack us or intervene for us. What does God…
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