Posts Tagged ‘relationships’
Here today, Gone Tomorrow
I recall many years ago, shortly before graduating from high school, sitting in a park with my best friend. After striking up a conversation with us, a stranger broke the bad news to us. “You probably will never see each other after graduation.” We were angry and sad, and determined to prove the stranger wrong.…
Read MoreEpisode 410 – Seeing God with our Hearts
You don’t have to be blind to be blind. Instead of looking at the sins of others, we need to start looking in the mirror. Unfortunately, we are blind to our sins, but insist on watching others. In the Gospel of Luke 18.35-43, we see a blind man who could see God. The crowd that…
Read MoreDesire Peace
The older I get, two things tend to solidify in my heart. I am more convinced than ever that the ancient stories of Christian martyrdom are true. I also believe that people will stop at nothing to attain their heart’s desire. What I have not been able to figure out yet is just why things…
Read MoreChristmas Repentance
What does repentance have to do with Christmas, you ask? It has everything to do with Christmas. Our society has long since forgotten that Christmas is not about sales and decorations. It is about welcoming the King of Glory into the world as a baby. We do it all for our salvation. I ask a…
Read MorePeaceful Living
On this blog I write a great deal about being counterculture. I encourage us to be willing to lose everything for Christ. Don’t get me wrong, I think difficult times are coming for us, but we also have to remember, not all saints were martyrs. Not all saints were tortured or exiled. Some, like Saint…
Read MoreBe True to Who You Are
We go to Church and say our prayers. We smile and are courteous to those in the pews next to us. Then comes the end of Divine Liturgy when the priest says, “Let us go forth in peace.” We exit the front doors of the Church, only to return to the life we had before…
Read MoreChristian Relationships
Long before you and I were born God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2.18) He wasn’t talking about needing someone for housework or to work the fields. He was talking about our salvation. Since we are created in the image of God, Who is a community of love in…
Read MoreEpisode 406 – A Commandment of Love
Maybe the most difficult commandment from God is for us to love our enemies and those who do not love us in return. It takes real courage to love those who love. The Golden Rule requires Christian courage. We all need love. None of can survive without love. When we can figure this out, then…
Read MoreLoving God
We say we will do anything for the ones we love. History is filled with dramatic love stories, many of which end in tragedy. We don’t mind the tragedy because it represents love. We like to imagine that we would endure tragedy for the ones we love. When push comes to shove, it is true…
Read MoreDating and Marriage
When it comes to matters of the heart, many of us ignore the Church. We think, wrongly, that who we date is of no consequence. Then one morning we awake in love with someone the Church says we cannot marry. Instead of accepting that we may have fallen in love with the wrong person, we…
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