You Will Never Fall

These are words we all wish to believe. There must be a way to guarantee we never fall to temptation and sin. All my life I’ve heard that I shouldn’t expect to be perfect because only God is perfect. So, how can Saint Peter promise we will never fall? SIMON PETER, a servant and apostle…

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Automatic Christianity

I just don’t get it. Why is it I meet so many people that think ‘just because’ they were baptized that means they are Christians and will be saved. It is as if baptism is some sort of magic pill that guarantees entrance to heaven. Others think, “I believe in Jesus. That’s enough.” Then there…

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God Never Walks Away

A beautiful view of the mountains

We all have that one person who has always been there for us. No matter what we did, or what he or she did, we were inseparable. Then one day, something changed. Suddenly we no longer spoke. We no longer had the person by our side. We grieve the loss mostly because we can’t understand…

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Remember Your Conversion

Candles lighting

Whether we were ‘born into’ the Church of became Orthodox later in life, each of us has a conversion story. We can remember that day, or season, when we realized our faith in Christ was something that we were serious about. We also can remember days or seasons when that faith waned a bit, and…

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Chained Down by Sin

The Devil made me do it. I couldn’t help myself. You have no idea how strong the temptation was that made me sin. These are all common excuses for sin. We have all used them because we have all been weak. We have all sinned, but there is a better way. About that time, Herod…

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Blessed by Slander

It is unavoidable. Wherever you turn, you will meet people who just speak against you. This can be defeating for sure. Nobody wants to be slandered by others, but as Christians it just cannot be avoided. If they slandered Jesus Christ, they will slander us. At that time, Jesus stood on a level place, with…

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Episode 413 – Think like God Thinks

People along with the priest worshiping in the church

As we consider our annual New Year Resolutions this year remember the message of the Gospel. “John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.” The first message of the Gospel according to Saint Mark is the message of repentance. This year, change the way you think…

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Time Marches On

There are so many wonderful aspects of the Orthodox Faith, not the least of which is how the Church reminds that time marches on. Yesterday we celebrated the Nativity in the Flesh of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, the Church reminds us that it was not a one-day event. Our society very…

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Conception Should be Celebrated

For generations our society has been preoccupied with sex. People want access to sex without strings attached, sex that is without guilt, sex that is freeing. For many it doesn’t matter where the sex comes from, so long as it feels good. Everything is acceptable, until someone gets pregnant. Even in marriage, sex has become…

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