Posts Tagged ‘Romans’
Belief is not Reason
We talk a great deal about the truth of God. We read a book or watch a video and we think that belief in God is determined by what we know. We think that we can learn our way to heaven. We even think we can convince someone else to believe using a blog post…
Read MoreProve Your Faith
There is an old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” This saying has been said of just about every professional, including clergy. It is because so many of us do not live the faith we proclaim. It is the reason so many mock the Christian Church as organized hypocrisy. Are you any…
Read MoreQuestioning God
I hear it often, too often really. “I can’t believe in a god who would do that.” It doesn’t even matter what ‘that’ is. The very idea that God doesn’t have the right to do and act as He please shocks me. He is either God or He is not. Thus says the LORD, the…
Read MoreEvil is not worth the gain
Just look around and you will find those who choose not to live according to God’s desire. People are greedy, hungry for power, oppressive to others, even violent. It seems like ‘they’ are the ones who are rewarded with comfort and advancement in the world but their gains are short-lived. He who is steadfast in…
Read MoreAvoiding Mortal Sin
If you have been reading our daily blog for any length of time, you know we speak a great deal about sin. We speak about avoiding sin. We speak about confessing sin. We speak about forgiving the sins of others and being forgiven by God for our sins. We rarely speak about the ‘type’ of…
Read MoreChristians in a Foreign Land
We have been spoiled as Christians for many centuries. Secular society has ‘more or less’ lifted our Christian morals. Through decades of public schools our Christian morals have been reinforced. That has all changed in the past few decades. Schools no longer reinforce Christian standards, and society no longer pays attention to our standards. It…
Read MoreGod Never Walks Away
We all have that one person who has always been there for us. No matter what we did, or what he or she did, we were inseparable. Then one day, something changed. Suddenly we no longer spoke. We no longer had the person by our side. We grieve the loss mostly because we can’t understand…
Read MoreBaptism Changes You
Baptism was a commanded by Christ and has been a staple in the life of every Christian from the beginning. Many Christians think baptism is an outward expression of love and faith in God. Many Christians think baptism is nothing more than a physical requirement to avoid hell. Many forget that baptism isn’t just a…
Read MoreDesire Peace
The older I get, two things tend to solidify in my heart. I am more convinced than ever that the ancient stories of Christian martyrdom are true. I also believe that people will stop at nothing to attain their heart’s desire. What I have not been able to figure out yet is just why things…
Read MoreJealousy is Unbecoming
We want what we do not have. We don’t want others to have what we have. We want more of what we have. We want others to have less than we have. These simply expressions of jealousy are common to every person I have ever met. At some level, we all struggle with jealousy, even…
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