Any Day Now

Deadlines help us keep our focus. Whether it is a strategic plan at work or a new healthy lifestyle, changes come a little easier knowing there is an end goal in sight. There are end goals and there are intermediate goals. If the end goal is too far in the future, we risk losing focus,…

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Know Your Limitations

We learn it as little children. We boast about our ability way beyond the truth. It may be cute to watch little children pretend to lift an entire sofa. It isn’t so cute when adults think they can ‘handle’ more than they really can handle, especially when sin and temptation are involved. Today the Church…

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God Does Not Tempt

Temptation Ahead sign

Like takes its twists and turns. We sometimes find ourselves where we do not belong. Deep down we don’t want to be in dark places, but alas it happens. Struggle happens. We suffer at the hands of our enemies, many times caused by our own choices. Trying hard to deflect the blame we think we…

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Salt Accents the Truth

I have always loved to cook. Since I was a small child, I would make my way to the kitchen to learn what ingredients worked and what ingredients did not work. I was always confused why people added salt to cakes and cookies. They never tasted ‘salty’ but I knew the salt was in there.…

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Chained Down by Sin

The Devil made me do it. I couldn’t help myself. You have no idea how strong the temptation was that made me sin. These are all common excuses for sin. We have all used them because we have all been weak. We have all sinned, but there is a better way. About that time, Herod…

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Baptism Changes You

Baptism was a commanded by Christ and has been a staple in the life of every Christian from the beginning. Many Christians think baptism is an outward expression of love and faith in God. Many Christians think baptism is nothing more than a physical requirement to avoid hell. Many forget that baptism isn’t just a…

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Fair Warning

Throughout our childhood years we learn to listen to those in authority. If we do not, we learn the consequences of not doing what we are told. Our parents, teachers, and even clergy give us ‘fair’ warning. If we do not change our behavior, we will have consequences. Eventually we learn, or we suffer. At…

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Humans and Animals are not the Same

Hidden mysteries of the Da Vinci

There is a troubling trend in our society to reduce humanity to ‘just another’ animal in the ecosystem. More and more consider our having dominion over the earth as a sin or even misplaced power. Activists search for examples of ‘human behavior’ in animals as a means of distraction from certain behaviors. We are not…

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Guilt by Association

When I was young, I was spending time with a friend when we found ourselves in a bit of trouble. We were walking past a swimming pool where a group of people had jumped the fence for a night swim. We knew the group of people, so we were chatting with them when we were…

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