Posts Tagged ‘social issues’
Reap what you sow
Many people in America lately speak about ‘keeping their faith to themselves’ for fear of retribution or social exclusion. We live in constant fear that our faith will be used against us. This fear is well founded considering the nightly news. It might be well founded but it leads to isolation. Brethren, he who sows…
Read MoreHumans are not Animals
We all grew up learning in biology that the world’s living things consisted of plants and animals. We humans were among the animals. We were different from the other animals, but we were also the same. It may be true that humans are part of the animal kingdom, and that we share some of the…
Read MoreModern Idols
Living among nonbelievers can be stressful and confusing. Our way of life as Christians does not have the same priorities as the world. While the world encourages living by ‘our own’ rules, the Church teaches to live another way. The way of Christ is strange and uncomfortable for the world. It is our daily cross…
Read MoreSin and the Law
When it comes to living as God wants us to live, humans have always struggled to keep His Commandments, beginning in The Garden until now. While we have never been 100% successful in following The Law, that in no way should dimmish the purpose of The Law. The purpose of The Law has always been…
Read MoreScience Does Not Trump Sacred
Yesterday the Assembly of Bishops, made up of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States, released a document titled, “On the Sacredness of Human Life and its Untimely Termination” in which the bishops outlined the Church’s teachings on issues such as murder, capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia, miscarriage, and suicide. Immediately many began to argue…
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