Posts Tagged ‘stewardship’
Know Your Place
There is a place for everyone in the Church. That place is not just in the pews, but in the ministry of the Church. Nobody can do everything, but everybody must do something. If the ministry of Christ depended upon only the clergy, the Gospel would never spread. BRETHREN, grace was given to each of…
Read MoreEpisode 438 – Don’t Walk Away from God
When faced with the choice to give up our wealth or follow Christ, most of us choose our wealth and walk away from God. Until we are willing to separate ourselves from money and wealth we cannot have eternal life. This is impossible without God’s help. Transcript: My brothers and sisters, this morning’s Gospel is,…
Read MoreEpisode 437 – What Shall I do with All My Things?
When we are blessed to have more than we need, it is a challenge for our soul. In the Parable of the Barns, the rich man died without ever using the ‘good things’ that God had given to him. What are we doing with all the good things that God has given to us? We…
Read MoreBe a Person of Mercy
You’ve heard it before. What you give is what you get. Nothing is more true when it comes to the effort you ‘give’ to your spiritual life. The more you give to God, the more God gives to you, and I’m not talking about money today. Brethren, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,…
Read MoreGiving for the Future
I have never met a single person who refused to give. We all give for different reasons. Some give to witness the blessings of others. Some give to get back. What I don’t often witness is someone who gives knowing they will never see the result of their gift. They give for the future. At…
Read MoreEpisode 436 – Allowing God to Use our Good Things for His Glory
We have all been given many good things from God. What have we done with them? Have we used the good things that God has given to us for others or kept them for ourselves. In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazaros found the in Luke 16.19-31, the rich man who kept everything…
Read MoreAre You Growing?
I’m sure we can all agree that learning and growing are good things. It would be extremely difficult to survive in the modern world with only a kindergarten education. If we aren’t learning, we cannot grow. If we are not growing, then ultimately, we are dying. Brethren, we are no longer to be children, tossed…
Read MoreExcel in Love
We often wonder what genuine love is, how we show it, or how we feel it. We say it all the time. “I love you.” Just because we say it doesn’t mean it is genuine. Most of the time the love we express and the love we feel is not genuine, but worldly and shallow.…
Read MoreThe Work Goes On
Part of every person’s personal mission is to accomplish something in life. Whether it be some rare scientific discovery or merely being known for great art, all human beings are driven by accomplishment. The problem is, we are so focused on our accomplishments that we forget God’s work. In those days, the apostles returned to…
Read MoreWhat Would You Pay for Heaven?
What is the value of a bag of groceries? How much is a gallon of gas? These are questions that plague our modern society. These are questions that establish our priorities. The more important something is, the more we are willing to pay. What are you willing to pay for heaven? The value of anything…
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