No Law Against Kindness

I hear it all the time. Be kind. What does it mean to be kind? Is it kind to allow people to think they are something they are not? Is it kind to tell someone they are going to hell if they don’t change? Some say yes. Some say no. Brethren, the fruit of the…

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You are Blessed by God

You may not realize it, but you are blessed. You may not feel it, but you are blessed. You may not even expect it, but you are blessed. About the only time you realize you have been blessed by God is when you look back at where you have been. At that time, Jesus stood…

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Is there a limit to God’s Power?

The power of prayer. The power of faith. As Christians we are always talking about and invoke the power the God. Still, bad things happen. Still, sick people die. Still, evil seems to be spreading. You might begin to wonder if there is a limit to God’s power. Well, yes and no. About that time,…

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The Yoke of Christ

We all know how difficult it can be to follow Christ. Throughout Christian history many have tried and failed, only to return to their sinful past. Many more have succeeded despite the struggle of choosing Christ over the worldly agenda. How can Christ even claim His ‘yoke’ is easy? The Lord said to his disciples,…

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Thanks for What?

We are told as Christians to be thankful. Even the act of communing with God is called Divine Thanksgiving, or Holy Eucharist. We know that God has come to save us, but our lives on earth are filled with temptations and struggles. What exactly are we supposed to be thankful for? Brethren, whatever you do,…

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Why Do Christians Suffer?

Have you ever asked yourself why Christians must suffer? Why does God expect us to lose everything ‘just’ for Him? If God loved us as He claims, why not allow us to be honored and comforted now? What if I told you Christians don’t suffer? Would you want to be Christian? Brethren, rejoice in the…

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Things Will Be Better

There is a malaise over the town after our doubleheader hurricane. Many are still digging out after record floods. Others are ‘back to normal’ on the outside but shouting on the inside. How much worse can it get? What’s next? These are natural questions after disaster. Brethren, to me, though I am the very least…

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Eternal Union

It is easy to talk about forgiveness when it doesn’t matter. Too often I hear, “Sure I forgive them. God will take get them. I don’t have to.” I’m sorry to tell you, this is not forgiveness. This is vengeance. The problem isn’t now. The problem comes later when we are eternally together. There are…

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You Have Value

Our society assesses value to everything and everyone. Tangible and intangible items alike all have a value we assign. What is valuable to one person may not be valuable to another. Certain rare items have such a high value that we compete to attain them. We may even battle for them. The Lord said to…

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