The Unchanging Changing Church

Changes Ahead, Written On A Road With Sun In The Sky

Our Divine worship is ancient. Our Scriptures are original. Our way of life was established by the Holy Apostles. As Orthodox Christians we like to tell everyone we are the ancient Church that never changes. That isn’t exactly true and today is a reminder of why. Today is the Feast of Saint Photios the Great.…

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Order Instead of Chaos

Some people believe Orthodox Christianity is too complicated. There are so many rules and regulations. Everything from what and when we can eat to how and when we should enter the Church. There are so many rules to ‘figure’ out that most stop trying or try to change the rules. Brethren, when you come together,…

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Pharisee Christians

Pharisee Christian

Some people think Christians cannot be Pharisees. I think we can. It is very easy to convert obedience into a rule law rather than faith. The Scriptures are filled with examples of Pharisee Jews who looked to the Law as the reason they were saved as the People of God. Church history is also filled…

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Time for Tradition

Candles lighting

In our contemporary Christian setting with over 45,000 denominations, it is no longer sufficient to say the Orthodox Church is the original Church. It is not longer sufficient to say we are the Church that never changes. It is no longer sufficient to say anything. The time has come for us to be and act…

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